(Canada) Conservatives Victorious...

Do you agree with Stephan Harper’s conservative Government? do you think they’ll be able to deal with the economic crisis? Who do you think should have won?Why?

Answer #1

First question: No but then I don’t have a real choice do I? Second question: No they’ll juts fallow in the USA footsteps. In other words they will wait to see what George Junior does and pray all goes well for Canada. Third question: No one really. I don’t see anyone capable of truly running the country and listening to Canadians needs. Though I do believe we should change voting systems and count the number of votes instead of the ridings…now thta might have change the winner. Fourth question: No one seems to worthy to be at the head of our nation. Liberals are the same as conservatives and in the end any one running Canada seems to be more interested on what the USA politics are then what Canadians need or want.

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