Can you act like somebody you've been hanging a lot with over time?

I was wondering, I started jr. high and started to become pretty good friends with this girl that was in my elementary class. Back in elementary, I didn’t really talk to her much and we were almost completely opposite people. Now that none of my close friends went to the jr high that I am going to now. I feel like I’m a changed person. Can I really act like that girl that was in my elementary class overtime just because I’m with her all the time?

Answer #1

you can pick up traits if your with a person a lot

Answer #2

I notice that sometimes when I am around a person a lot also because you are only hanging out with yourselves mostly, so you experience most of the same things together, but they are around you all the time too, so they act like you some too, which is not a bad thing. Maybe having a couple of other good friends will help you to keep your identity without feeling like a copy of your friend!

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