How can i calm my fears about childbirth and having a newborn for the second time?

I am WAY more nervous this time around, i dont see why people say the second time is easier. Now that ive been through it and know what happens im even more worried. Im also worried about my son going from only child to big brother and how im going to handle two kids. I know these fears are normal…but is there anything i can do to make myself feel better and worry less.

Answer #1

first off there is no two pregnancies alike. I have had five so alway expect something different with each. Always expect a normal healthy pregnancy, delivery, and another precious baby fears are normal do not let it stresss you too much. My prayers are with you. THINK POSTIVE

Answer #2

I am on my last, this is number 5, and it never gets easier….there are the same fears as the 1st time around. But just tell yourself, it will be over in no time, and you will soon be home with a precious baby, but whether it is labor and child birth worries, or worries about the newborn once home, there will be worries when they go to school, and throughout thier whole life, we as mothers start our fears and concerns from the day we find we are pregnant and never stop. But I myself am stressing have 4 weeks left and I cant tell you of a way to stop your fears.

Answer #3

First of all you have got to calm down…any & all stress is bad for the baby because they pick up on it…like it or not they feel eat & breath everything you do…so the best thing you can do for now is get a few books on how to relax while pregnant…try some stress free yoga…try to meditate…if its not any harm perhaps a small walk around the block when you get anxious or perhaps an panic attack coming on.

I got this wonderful book called STRESS MANAGEMENT…(practical ways to relax and be healthy) BY EVE ADAMSON I actually got it a while back when i was getting something from rite aid…got to the mag section & happened to see it. I am sure they have a mag section in all cvs/walgreens/walmart stores…it was in the guide to good health section…really worth the $6.95 (maybe some more for tax) but really worth it…its a small 200 page easy reading soft cover book…I think you might enjoy it…heck we can all use some stress management…at any age…so try it…look it up hope you try it.

Now about the whole coming home, your son not dealing well…my best advice as a child who was 9.5 years old when my brother came into the world…cant avoid it…there is going to be a lot of tension unless from the get go, you show him the same love as before…and spend an equal amount of time with him…have him participate even when you know you can handle it on your own. Making them a part of it is a good way to build a bond, so he doesnt feel left out or second place…but dont make him the new caretaker sort of speak! Once a child feels like they are no longer jealous, they tend to feel like you have thrown the responsibility onto them…the new care taker, then the rules of if you dont change him then…so & so & so …if you want to go out with your friends, you have to take him with you….that my dear is when it turns into resentment & winds up turning into hate. So try to avoid that as well. Same with gifts…if you get one a gift you have to get one for the other so they dont feel left out as well…so there is no jealousy…no resentment & no hate in the future…

best of luck to you…& most of all dont forget to be happy…smile…your having another bundle of joy…its exciting…the whole miracle of life…embrace it…throw the worries out the door for now…just enjoy the time to bond with it & have your sen do the same…:)

Hope this has helped.

Answer #4

I havent been pregnant before but yoga, music and palatties seem to help me relax! X

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