Why can't I burp?

Its an odd question, I know. But i can’t for the life of me burp. I know what your thinking. thats total b.s you burp when your a baby and must have burped after that. but No and No. Even when i was a baby, my mom had alot of trubble burping me, i just wouldnt burp. And i will do the chugging soda or gulping air… it doesnt work for me. The only time i have ever burped was right befor is up chucked… but i do make little sounds. like gurgaling in my throat or chest. like a burp is building but it stays in my chest or throat till it pops (some times painfully). so i am always making these wierd sounds. but no burping… is there a reason for this?

Answer #1

Try drinkin a little pop to make u burp

Answer #2

i have tryed… many, many times trust me. it doesnt do anything :(

Answer #3

Asked a doc wat cud be wrong?

Answer #4

Sounds like you have GERD or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease or possibly an esophageal motility problem, this is where the lower esophageal sphincter prevents food going back into the esophagus, causes may be increase in LES tone or the inability of the LES to relax during swallowing, either that or you just not gassy enough to burp if not accompanied by bloatiness and discomfort in the stomach, consult your physician if it persists

Answer #5

burp sometimes unnecessary,

Answer #6

translation? :S

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