
it seems like you really understand. I’’ve been holding on for too long; i really think it’s time for me to let go and move with life. i’’m really willing to do anything to forget about this guy. he doesn’t want to be with me anymore.

Answer #1

well if he doesnt want to be with you then you need to let him go and move on. You will find a guy one day that will love you 100% and wont leave you.

Answer #2

hi sweetie, like me, i had been there in your shoe, its painful but believe me it will be gone, just be with your pain and trust that you will never feel that again. we really cant expect always to be loved back to the man we fall for. thats life! youre not a loser, and hes not the man he thinks he is.dont be sad ok?! smile now and think that there are people who love you without reservations.just wait, in God’s perfect time you will be happy, and that is soon.

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