Breastmilk supply

I mostly pump and sometimes nurse. Is it true that the more you pump the more you will produce? I’m not sure it’s completely true. At the end of the day I don’t get any more milk by pumping 3 or 4 times a day than I do if I only pumped once in the evening. Help!? any input is greatly appreciated!

Answer #1

It’s true - but every woman is different. It’s good that your pumping though -because if you stop - most likely you will stop producing as much breastmilk and be forced to formula feed. Just keep up what you are doing.

Answer #2

yea its true

Answer #3

Yea its true but maybe if you are not making enough milk its because of some other contributing factors- maybe stress or poor diet. I am the other way around I mostly nurse and occasionally pump (my son’s daycare is at my college). Also I realized that pumping isnt as efffective as just squeezing my milk out manually with my hand (for me its less pain and its quicker than when I pumped. Its a weird kind of milking technique. Before where it would take me like an hour to pump 4 ounces it takes me like 20 minutes. I think maybe with squeezing it immulates the suckling motion of your baby.

Answer #4

If you stimulate the milk glands more frequently on a consistent basis you will get more milk. When my children went through growing spurts they would demand more feedings until my milk supply would meet the demand then they would level off again.

When I was breastfeeding I was told that the baby gets more milk then the pump will get and that the last of the nursing is the ‘hindmilk’ meaning it has more fat content and will keep them satisfied for longer periods too.

I loved nursing my children and it became easier as they grew and ate ‘table’ foods. By the time they were one they would nurse morning, night, for naps and occasionally. It was easy to wean they just became busy!

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