Should I tell my boyfriend I'm pregnant now, or wait until he returns from Michigan?

How can I tell my boyfriend who is in Michigan for the rest of the summer till Aug. 9th that I’m pregnant or should I wait till he gets back?

Answer #1

Tell him now.

Answer #2

its really up to you think about what his reaction would be and will it affect anything but i think u shud tell him now

Answer #3

I would hate to “bother” him he is with family …. I am big on personal space …. But I kinda want to see his face too! Because everyone knows over phone you cant see what his face looks like and if i text him I wont even know how he really feel I can only assume from how he typed it you know? I dont get the tone of voice or nothing -__-

Answer #4

How ?

Answer #5

Just tell him, I’m pretty sure he knows what the results of sex can be, tell him you are pregnant, send him a message. As long as he knows. It takes two to make a baby and he should be informed ASAP.

Answer #6

Thanks a lot (:

Answer #7

Sure, sorry if I sound to forward, but men should also be responsible, he should know and worry with you.

Answer #8

…yea i understand ware ur comming from…so yea i wud jus wait until he comes bac then gud luck girlie <3

Answer #9

Thanks that means a lot.

Answer #10

np anytime k?…n r u shure u pregnent tho?

Answer #11

I mean I hadnt pissed on the stick YET …. But Im 3 weeks late with my period and been having symtomes ….

Answer #12

oh wow…then theres a big possiblity butu shud go to tha doctors and get a more accurate test and be 100% shure before u tell him anything!

Answer #13

I think im going to do the home test then no matter what that say tell my mom and have her take me to the doctor then tell him …

Answer #14

alrite thts good also wen i took tha home test it didnt work for me so i stopped counting on them and started going to the doctors lolz…but if u r pregnent congradulations! <3

Answer #15

haha , daang but thank you so much ! And you have children ?

Answer #16

no thank God but i had about 2 pregnacy scares idk about having children now cuz its so exspencive im jus gonna enjoy my life for now lolz

Answer #17

I just noticed you said you hadn’t taken a test yet, you need to take a test before you start assuming your pregnant. I’ve been a month late and felt sick and bloated and blahblahblah and I wasn’t pregnant. It’s easy to be late then psych yourself out. Go get a test like today, there at the dollar store so they’re cheap. You need to find out for sure if you are or aren’t before you start freaking your boyfriend out.

Answer #18

i agree with irene tell him right away and what is a 15 yr old girl doing pregnant to begin with, I hope u will not rely on ur parent to look after the kid. ><

Answer #19

You must tell him now other ways you will be to late to inform him. Feel free to inform him

Answer #20


Answer #21

if you do take a test and its positive… you NEED to tell him as SOON as you can goodluck!!

Answer #22

No , I WON’T rely on my Mom to take care of my child … It is my boyfriend and I child NOT her .

Don’t judge me because I am 15 and may possibly be pregnant I maybe 15 but im a junior in highschool … but you can say what you want

Answer #23

I just took the test and i am but i rather go to the doctors and truely find out

Answer #24

Yaaay! lolz

Answer #25

Ayye get it..lolz! wow now let me shut up!

Answer #26

being a guy, that is definitely something I would wanna hear in person

Answer #27

Princess Z Why is this a good thing? She’s 15 years old do you even slightly understand how hard this is going to be for her?

Answer #28

fyi do noe how hard it iz…maybe if u look at wat we were tlkin about ealier then maybe u wud understand but i dnt have to explain myself to u so end of convo!

Answer #29

I think you should tell him face to face. If you cant wait until august do webcam (:

Answer #30

thanks :)

Answer #31

Well Im glad your not :) But I mean some people are so rude about me asking and now im just worried about school because I go to redneck high and they don’t like the “mixing” smfh !!! so me and ,y boyfriend hear it all the time … now we are having a child together hmmm this will be interresting girl haha

Answer #32

I think i will skype with him and just be like hmm i was peeing today and i kinda missed the bowl and it all landed on this stick and what do you know the stick ended up with two lines on it …. then flash the stick in the webcam haaha

Answer #33

yea me too…ware do u live at…n 9z tht really wat ur skool iz called but i really dnt cee y otha ppl r worried about u an ya bfs situation it doesnt concern them u didnt have sex wit them…there ot bringing a child in tha world with u…tell them haters to fall bac…girl only if i was u lolz…yea this will be interesting! lolz aye funmail me jus in case u say sumthin private n ppl readin dis lolz

Answer #34

Princess Z :see only a young kid would say that…NO kid at 15 has the maturety or means to look after a kid with either out the aid of welfare or parents. TWO pregnacy scares, dont u learn frm ur mistakes? stupidity prevales, 15 yrs old kids cannot suport a kid without the aid of welfare or their parents help.

if u were in my country I would be ashamed that hard working tax payers are going to suport kids stupidty.

The only time i would be more understanding, is if you were raped.

Answer #35

listen here trick dnt come at me like tht first of all bcuz i dnt noe u n u dnt noe me im not gonna sit here n explain myself to u cuz ur nobodyto me….n y iz u readin wat i wrote anyway…was tlking to you?…I DNT THINK SO…hop off and fall bac hoe!

Answer #36

n if im not trippin….i wud think that ur sitting here callin me stupid…hld up honey tha only person who iz stupid arounr here wud b u bcuz ur stupid enough to come @ me like that..reall?…u on sum real bs rite now…u say u dnt judge ppl but wat did u do to @: shen’taria? judge her rite so get real stop mesin wit children chick…like get on wit ya self…jus stop tlkin point blamk period. Case closed ur dismissed

Answer #37

n if im not trippin….i wud think that ur sitting here callin me stupid…hld up honey tha only person who iz stupid arounr here wud b u bcuz ur stupid enough to come @ me like that..reall?…u on sum real bs rite now…u say u dnt judge ppl but wat did u do to @: shen’taria? judge her rite so get real stop mesin wit children chick…like get on wit ya self…jus stop tlkin point blamk period. Case closed ur dismissed

Answer #38

Princess Z….I am direct, honest and i nver sugar coat things. look ur 15 with a big attitude if u think u or any kid who is 15 has the maturity and means to have a kid ur sadly mistaken. NO kid can suport their child with out so me help frm welfare and or parents.

you are just all upset that i pointed out a fact and it is stupid. if kids take the proper precautions and folow them corectly there is very very low chances of falling pregnant.

2nd of all dont talk to u point blank? Not everyone is gonna tell u what u wanna hear and getting all defensive show and proves ur immaturity. Sugar coating things is for the weak, if u cannot deal with crizism then there is something wrong with u kido :)

Answer #39 im stuipd huh?…n u still talkin about ME havin kids….n actually i wasnt tha one who asked this question….look here trick…im open minded to n u jus mad that the other girl went off on your ass! rite now idgaf about u n wat ur sayin rite now…im not sugar coatin nuffin hoe cuZ u really got me effed up rite now…u think im weak well go head and think that bcuz if u keep tlking sht to me trust me u got another thing comming….n guess what if not everyone is gonna tell me what i wanna hear i can provent that by telling u to hop off my sht n go suc a nut btch cuz ur really pissen me off….stay ur old a** in ur country and keep ur opions there to….haha…n u have the got damn nerves to say theres something wrong wit me! ur funny btch…encore!!!….u noe whaf jus stfu tlkin to me!

Answer #40

wow, look at all the ghetto trash talk, can u speak and write proper english? Guess not xD ur good for a laugh Princess Z….when ever i need a good laugh remind me to come to u for 1 <3

Answer #41

Ma’am I don’t know you and all and But I am not one of those silly teenagers you “grown-ups” love to label EVERY teen as just to let you know. I am a very educated young lady who WILL go far in life but from you basing every judgement you having on me from my age of just 15 you must think I know nothing of lifes challenges . I am not going to say I do because thats a lie but you have know idea of what background my boyfriend or I come from to even assume what type of care our child will have in the future. Him and I are very great planners he is 17 and has only a semester left in high school which mines he will be off doing what he wanted going in the Army which last time I checked was a good steady job . I myself will only have a half a semester next year because I’m such a “stupid teen” that I skipped two grades I know how dumb and foolish of me to be as smart as I am to do such a horrible thing! So if I will need my Mom for anything it would be to care for my child while I am in Med. School getting my Degree and while my Boyfriend does basic training . So please don’t worry about your poor little tax dollars they will not be supporting my child .

Answer #42

No matter how textbook smart u are you then should know about Sex ed and abot safe sex practices, if u did so u would no be in this stituation. yes in my opinion teens are stupid if they fall pregnant. Yes i know u are possibly pregnant but still. you should even bee in that situation if u knew how to protect urself.

yeah u many be in college but ur life will honestly stop until ur kid is 18. You are a kid that needs to enjoy life yes u have a bf and i am sure u love eachother very much but parent hood is not for a 15 yr old not matter how textbook smart they are.

if i sound harsh i am sorry but i dont sugar coat things and if u got offend im sorry but i didnt mean for u to feel like that but that is how i am.

let me tell u something, i been married since i was 20 but been dating my now hubby since i was 17 and since i was married his unlce and aunty and his mates asked me when will we have kids. I said 5-10 yrs later as i wanna do many things as a kid is a pretty long commitment and ur life pretty much stops for them. and until all my goals are met i dont even wanna contemplate having kids. im sure if u have a kid u will be every happy but i am sure later in life u will regret not having haad a life like many teens and young adults ^^

Answer #43

I don’t mind you not sugar coating your options … reason being I never do the same I am a very outspoken child and nothing will change that. But once AGAIN you assumed my boyfriend and I did not use protect because we are “silly teens” we used a condom and I am on BC so don’t give me that “ohh y’all should have wrapped it up” speech because we did .. I guess it’s more of a SH*T JUST HAPPENS type of thing.

But ma’am what I am trying to say is do not … DO NOT worry about my child and how he or she will be cared for. And I see your concern about me looking back and smiling on my teen years but I would have plenty more smiles looking in my son or daughter face every day.

But once again thanks for all your worry and concern that means you have a heart for others.

Answer #44

@Shen’tiara: no she dnt tht b*tch iz testin me 4 real!

@poop grande or w.e the hell yo name iz: yo look im tellin u now tht u need to stfu tlkin to me u dusty cyco bitch im done say no more hoe…u can laf all u want to idgaf i find it funny that u like messin wit children thts half ur age dumba**

Answer #45

a is with all those all the vulgarities, cant you fight ur battles with more intellect? vulgarites show lack of education :) as u dont know what other words to use other than vulgarities. Outspokeness is a good thing when its used with intellect :D

Answer #46


Answer #47

didnt u stop relying lonmg ago. do even know what perv means? wow stupid lil hot headed girl

Answer #48

yo like 4real STFU wit ya old a*…idgaf wat chu gotta say…n ur tlkin about me being immature but yet ur sitting here arguing with a person tht iz half ur age…u on some real sht rite now…so if im stupid why am i on honor roll every marking period in skool u effin cnt….stop tlkin to me ur dismissed Btch

Answer #49

ur half my age am I 30 yrs old wow, stupid kid cannot even do maths and she talking smack, maybe get ur facts right 1st, or maybe study harder in both english and maths cuz ur ghetto trash talk makes u look like an uneducated fool.

Answer #50

stfu thts all i gotta say cuz ur over there tlking about ppl like ur so perfect…take ur stank pssy a some ware n stop effin tlkin to me likein dead a rite now! u old wrinkle a** dust btch

Answer #51

I would wait. It really depends on what kind of a guy your boyfriend is. Would he be the type to freak out if you don’t tell him right away? I don’t see how it changes enything for him either way because you are going to be pregnant for a while so……do make sure your pregnant though. That would be a good idea. If I were you I would tell him before anybody else though. I know that I would want to be the first to know if I was a guy. It makes one feel that bit more special you know? Good luck!!! I’ve had scares before so I almost know how you feel. What are your symptoms??? I’ve been feeling funny lately but I’m not sure why.

Answer #52

I pee a lot more than usual like five times a day. I been sleeping a crap load. I been having headaches and lower backaches. My nipples look darker but my breast aren’t sore though. I been tired too. Sharp pains lower stomach …. but I hadn’t been sleeping a lot like I use too

Answer #53

You should tell him in person, BUT it’s your choice every guy’s different. I would definetly not break the news to him by text though. Muchluckk♥

Answer #54

I think I am going to tell him to hurry back from his trip and tell him

Answer #55

If i were you i would take a pregnacy test or go to the doctors to make sure that you are really pregnate. Also i would probley tell your boyfriend in person.

Answer #56

who said i am perfect? I am not but i can see ur acting like u know it all but infact ur talking trash cuz u lil miss cannot hold and argument to save ur life…..stupidity prevales, i thought kids now adays grow up faster, ye growing up faster maybe but not smarter :)

Answer #57

i swear ur soo imature arguing with me if we were in person it wud be a whole different story like leave me alone u dumb whore!

Answer #58

personally i think you should tell him in peerson cuz if i was a guy and i found out information like that over texts id be shocked and not only that possibly uipset you texted me ( is calling an option ) also that kind of gives him an option to distsance himself until he comes back and find a neww gf and what not but if hes not like that type you shouldnt worry, just some guys are over whelmed by information like that. how are you going to tell your parents tho :) and congrats! best wishes to u and baby

Answer #59

personally i think you should tell him in peerson cuz if i was a guy and i found out information like that over texts id be shocked and not only that possibly uipset you texted me ( is calling an option ) also that kind of gives him an option to distsance himself until he comes back and find a neww gf and what not but if hes not like that type you shouldnt worry, just some guys are over whelmed by information like that. how are you going to tell your parents tho :) and congrats! best wishes to u and baby

Answer #60

u just cant wait for him…….just tell him as soon as possible

Answer #61

ur still tlkin to me!?

Answer #62

ur still tlkin lol!

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