
well, my boyfriend used to be really awsome, he would always text me and he would actually want to talk to me and I knew he liked me as much as I liked him and thats a lot… but latley he’s just not the same person anymore, he nvr txts me or says hi barely, he isnt as nice I guess, and I cant tell if he likes me any more…I rele want 2 talk to him bout this but I dont know how… I cant do it in person, because our streets are all icy, no school, and that stuff, I just need to know what to tell him… and what you think on this, thanks

Answer #1

oh, I have the same problem too! :(

Answer #2

you should just ask him what he wants in a make things better..and ask him if he thinks that the relationship will last…and then you should tell him what you want in a boyfriend..

Answer #3

Call him. He is not putting forth and effort into the relationship and it can’t work out like that. It sounds to me like he may not be into you anymore and is just afraid to break it off with you - I would talk to him.

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