How would you answer these questions about yourself?

Do you have.. A computer or lappy? Posters on your walls? If so, of who and how many? Pets? Names? Age? A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? A label? (e.g emo, goth) Blue eyes?

Thing that you hate the most about your body: Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: Thing that pisses you off the most: Thing that you wish you could change about the world:

Most loved memory: Memory you wish would just fade! :

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: Best thing thats ever happend to u: Embarrasing thing: Scariest/freakiest thing:

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Age: Gender: Children?: Relationship status: Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: Are you happy right now?:

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?:

Most used saying: (e.g lol, lmfao, rofl, pmsl, seriously, totally, your mum)

Thanksss.. Hope I helped your boredum ahaha :)

Answer #1

Do you have.. A computer or lappy? 2 computers… no laptop

Posters on your walls? Yes If so, of who and how many? Homer simpson as the Leonardo man, USC football, Ron Zombie, and Rocky - in the second bathroom

Pets?5 Names? Cinco - cat, Howard -beagle, Twins cats Tuco and Blondie, and Kitty - cockapoo pup Age? 15, 9, twins are 2 yo. and the pup is 6 months

A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? Own by myselft

A label? Grey Collar LOL

Blue eyes? nope

Thing that you hate the most about your body: hmmm, lazy eye Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: always tired Thing that pisses you off the most: cruelty to animals Thing that you wish you could change about the world: animal overpopulation

Most loved memory: me in Mexico as a kid on the ranch Memory you wish would just fade! : awful girlfriends… meanies!

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: Susan LOL Best thing thats ever happend to u: Irish! Embarrasing thing: can’t think of one Scariest/freakiest thing: eye gauging in movies

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Sergio Age: 35 Gender: M Children?:5 pets Relationship status: single Had your first kiss? yes If so, what age?: Jeeez, don’t remember, but 7th grade Are you happy right now?:ehhh, not bad

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: provide answers

Most used saying: Ahhh F it,,,

Answer #2

Do you have.. A computer or lappy?: Both. The laptop is in the process of having a new hard drive installed, however. Posters on your walls? If so, of who and how many?: Quite a number. Wednesday 13, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Lamb of God, Rob Zombie, etc. Pets? Names? Age?: Too many to name. A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian?: I will soon be living with my fiance and his parents. A label? (e.g emo, goth): I suppose, if anything, goth. Blue eyes?: No. Hazel.

Thing that you hate the most about your… body: Acne. Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: Not much, really. Thing that pisses you off the most: People in general. Thing that you wish you could change about the world: There are too many things to chose from.

Most loved memory: The first night spent with my fiance, and every memory we’ve made together after that. Memory you wish would just fade! : The three years spent with my ex.

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: Shiloh. Best thing thats ever happend to you: Kai. Embarrasing thing: I threw up in my fiance’s mother’s car, all over the door. That’s the only thing I can think of. Scariest/freakiest thing: Ummm. Not sure.

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Avaelit. Age: Eighteen. Gender: Female. Children?: Never. Relationship status: Engaged. Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: I believe I was thirteen or fourteen. Are you happy right now?: Immensely.

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: First time. I doubt I’ll be coming back. This was just for shits and giggles.

Most used saying: I have quite a few, some of them rather vulgar.

Answer #3

Do you have.. I have a PC will soon buy a lap top I have posters of playgirl men on my walls and cool road signs No pets Have my own apartment Does crazy musician count as a label? Hazel eyes

I hate my butt I am sometimes a bit of a loner I hate people who pre judge others because they are different To have world peace Graduation Getting drunk and puking and peeing all over my ex.

Lost my sister in Hurricane Katrina Best thing? : My new guy Embarrassing thing:Aside from the drinking I walked in the mens room Scariest/freakiest thing: I fell 100 ft off a building

Name: AJ Age: old Gender: Female (glad I checked) Children?: Not that I can remember Relationship status: Got a guy but still single Oh yeah I had my 1st kiss at 11: Are you happy right now?:I am not sure if you can truly be happy

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: I just started

Most used saying: I will clean it up: what the f*ck?

Answer #4

do you have.. a computer or lappy? laptop! just got it..luv ittt!!!:) posters on your walls? if so, of who and how many? not anymore!I just painted my room! pets? names? age? 9 pets…dogs=bishou,champ,brownie,puppy…cats=kitty,tiger,shadow,sheaba…hamster=mr.moo(he has spots like a cow lol) 2…1…I don’t know…almost 1…I don’t know…1…5 months…8months…almost 2 years (that was a mouth full!!) a house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? movin into my gramas house soon a label? (e.g emo, goth) emo(but I dont cut) blue eyes? nope

thing that you hate the most about your body: I don’t know!lol thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: I wish I was more athletic! thing that pisses you off the most: when people ask the same question over and over ugen! thing that you wish you could change about the world:I wish for peace!:)

most loved memory:…cant think of any GOOD memories memory you wish would just FADE! : ugh! dont even get me started on that!

worst thing thats ever happened to you: id rather not tlk bout it… best thing thats ever happend to u: uuummm… embarrasing thing: I don’t know scariest/freakiest thing: staying home alone at my aunts house..I swear its haunted! everyone else(exept my aunt) think the same thing!

about you…

name: sophia:) age: 14 gender: female..duh!lol children?: I sure hope not relationship status: single had your first kiss? if so, what age?: yes…on my 14th birthday:) are you happy right now?:am I ever truly happy?…

do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?:to help:)

most used saying: (e.g lol, lmfao, rofl, pmsl, seriously, totally, your mum)


Answer #5

I have a laptop but I prefer a computer I have no posters I have a dog named fefe and shes 4 I live with my parents for now at school im known as a G-geek my eyes are brown

I really dont hate any part of me I hate that im not religious or belive in that stuff having to repeat myself for something simple I would to have the end of all wars

my most cherished memory is getting my wii I wish the memories of every lie I told would fade away

my brother broke my ds it was horrible my good friends are the best thing that ever happened to me Most embarasiing: I dont really no(>_<) the scariest thing that happedned to me was falling off the top of a tree

im a game freak

mark 17 male ya maybe in 50 years im single my first kiss happened the day I was born from my mom and then when I was 10 by someone else what really is happiness?is anyone really ever happy? to help roflmao

Answer #6

Do you have.. A computer or lappy: I share with my parents Posters on your walls: my sister’s drawings Pets:4 chikens, 4 cats Names: (Chickens) Lumpy, Queen Latifa, Fluffy-footed-feather head, Maybel (cats) Minu,Milkweed,Bo,Baby Ages: (cats) 15,13,1 1/2, 1 1/2 A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? I live with mostly my mom and stepdad, and sometimes with my dad and stepmom. A label? (e.g emo, goth) : dunno Blue eyes? :Brown

Thing that you hate the most about your body: feet Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: laziness Thing that pisses you off the most: Having to do chores over when my stepdad says to Thing that you wish you could change about the world: global warming

Most loved memory: hhhmmm…I’ll think Memory you wish would just fade! : I dunno, maybe walking in on a guy peeing

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: cat died Best thing thats ever happend to u: fell in love Embarrasing thing: told a guy I liked him in front of a bunch of people. Scariest/freakiest thing: alone at home during huge storm, I thought somebody had broke in because of all the noise.

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: (nickname) Fia Age: younger than zimmyzimmyzoomzoom Gender: female Children?: none Relationship status: kind of single Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: I had my first kiss a week before I turned 12. Are you happy right now?: Bored

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: I just started today

Most used saying: (e.g lol, lmfao, rofl, pmsl, seriously, totally, your mum) nice (sarcastic)

Answer #7

A computer or lappy? LAPTOP Posters on your walls? TOKIO HOTEL & BILL KAULITZ OH AND EDWARD CULLEN Pets? 2 cats: Toby(male)5yrs old gillie(female)11yrs old I live with my parents. A label? Myself. :) Hazel eyes.

Thing that you hate the most about your body: my height Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: everything Thing that pisses you off the most: When people are full of themselves Thing that you wish you could change about the world: That a regular person like us could date a singer/celeb

Most loved memory: I dont know lol Memory you wish would just fade! : Having a dream about my friends boyfriend :S

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: Getting dumped by my boyfriend in front of EVERYBODY at school Best thing thats ever happend to u: Falling in love with the most amazing man ever Embarrasing thing: I dunno lol Scariest/freakiest thing: I had myself thinking there was a cannibal in my house for like 2 days, and it scared the living sh*t out o me!

About you… I am 5’ll, slender & fit, teased medium length hair, I LOVE tokio hotel, and Bill Kaulitz, I do photography, and I’ve been drawing my whole life. I create video’s and I write stories & poems :) And I love horses.

Name: Ally Age: 15 Gender: Female Children?: Nope Relationship status: Single sadly Had my first kiss at 14 Are you happy right now?: No

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: All the time!

Most used saying: “Guess what? I love you!” “My leg! (random I know don’t ask why)”

Answer #8

I have a computer and laptop, but I use the laptop most. I have one poster on my wall, its Tinkerbell. I have 4 cats (patches, snicklefritz, gizmo, daisy) a dog (lacey) and 2 rats (hayla, misty) as for ages… that would take too much thought. I live with my mom and dad I’m me - I hate labels, I’m not a soup can. No, I don’t have blue eyes.

I’m happy with my body - I receive compliments quite often. I don’t like how judgmental I am when it comes to meeting guys. I don’t like that I hold grudges as much has I do. Liars and two faced people make me so mad. I wish I could stop all the animals getting harmed in this world.

I don’t have a favorite memory, I’ve have so many special moments. I wish the memory of him would fade.

I’ve lost someone really special to me, actually more than one person. I’ve loved and been loved. I haven’t really done anything that embarrassing, just a bunch of little stupid things I cant remember. I haven’t done much that is scary, but I’ve put myself in situations that could have turned out really bad but luckily didn’t.

My name is Stephanie (stephmyster) I’m 19-years-old checks I’m a female I don’t have any children Single and looking Had my first real kiss when I was in 7th grade. I’m happy about some things - overall though I’m quite down.

I’m usually on FunAdvice to help - I love to help others and share my personal experiences. If I need to know something I do ask questions, but that’s not that often. Not because I think I know everything, but because I don’t really run into any situations I need help with.

I say “lol” a lot , even when I’m not laughing… stupid, I know.

Answer #9


Answer #10

Computer and laptop, small laptop for travelling, I do a lot of it, and a pc for image editing Nope, no posters, not my thing anymore, last thing was a big UK flag, but got rid of that too Two dogs, Tess and Tim and two cats, Speedy and Lucky I live with my boyfriend, we have a house of our own I’m a little bit of a goth, I’m also a submissive Nope, wild mixture of eyecolours

Thing that you hate the most about your body: bad skin, rather big scar on my belly Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: I’m okay with myself Thing that pisses you off the most: Arrogance, immaturity and labelling people too quickly Thing that you wish you could change about the world: too many to list here

Most loved memory: private Memory you wish would just fade! : being bullied from 3rd through 12th grade

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: being bullied by my (up until then) best friend Best thing thats ever happend to u: meeting my best friend and moving in with my boyfriend Embarrassing thing: hmmm… don’t remember Scariest/freakiest thing: nothing comes to mind

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Lisa Age: almost 19 Gender: female Children?: nope, not interested Relationship status: in a relationship Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: yep, pretty late, at 18 (was worth it ^^) Are you happy right now?: very happy

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: I’m new here, but I plan to help mostly

Most used saying: er… that’s so cute you suck private

Answer #11

Do you have.. A computer or lappy? computer Posters on your walls? If so, of who and how many? many…I have a whole collage on my wall of various rock stars/pop stars/actresses/Michael Jackson haha :] Pets? Names? Age? 4 cats, Tiger, Shadow, Friend, and Cornelius(which I call Kitties) and Kitties is like only 1 year old, her bday was last week A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? im 16. I live with my mom. A label? (e.g emo, goth) I don’t label myself. it’s stupid. Blue eyes? um yeah. my eyes are different colors in different lights.

Thing that you hate the most about your body: hmm, I actually don’t hate anything anymore. I used to hate my nose, but I got a nose job and now I’m comfortable in my body :] Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: I am shy Thing that pisses you off the most: negative people who are ungrateful Thing that you wish you could change about the world: ignorance.

Most loved memory: spending time with my dad Memory you wish would just fade! : haha all the embarrassing moments

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: my dad died when I was 13 Best thing thats ever happend to u: my life in general :] Embarrasing thing: haha I fell in front of my class and EVERYONE laughed, even the teacher. Scariest/freakiest thing: my old house was haunted. for real.

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Nicole Age: 16 Gender: female Children?: no Relationship status: single Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: nope, still waiting Are you happy right now?: yes. I guess.

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: Mostly just give advice, but I ask questions whenever it suits my fancy. haha

Most used saying: haha (I laugh like 24/7)

Answer #12

Do you have.. A computer or lappy? Both Posters on your walls? If so, of who and how many? yeah, 3/4 Pets? Names? Age? dog, kinsie, 10 A house of your own or live with your parents/relatives/guardian? parents A label? nock (nerd/jock. yes, we make up our own labels) Blue eyes? nope

Thing that you hate the most about your body: fat Thing that you hate the most about yourself in general: fat Thing that pisses you off the most: bri Thing that you wish you could change about the world:poverty

Most loved memory: working on a science project at dave’s house. Memory you wish would just fade! : techno dance miunderstanding

Worst thing thats ever happened to you: almost killed in a car accident Best thing thats ever happend to u: starting judo Embarrasing thing: techno dance misunderstanding Scariest/freakiest thing:BFF calling from the hospital saying that her and 2 of the others in my group had been in a serious accident.

About you… You dont have to do this bit if you dont want to :]

Name: Emma Age: 17 Gender: f Children?: not now. Relationship status: it’s complicated Had your first kiss? If so, what age?: yeah, 12/13 Are you happy right now?: sure, could be better tho

Do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?:both

Most used saying: seriously?

Answer #13

computer, I broke the laptop. nope, no posters. pets: paris, and laney. 2 years, and six months. I live with my mom. people label me preppy, but I personally don’t. blue/green.

I hate my no a$$. that I don’t know when to shut up. people who think there better than other people. I wish people wouldn’t take little stuff so seriously.

my most loved memory- me and boyfriend, 1’st time we hung out. memory I wish would fade- my grandpa dying. the funeral.

worst thing ever happend to me- my grandpa died. best thing- hmm, getting lucky enough to find someone like my boyfriend. embarrasing thing: me and my friends wreck. lol scariest/freakiest thing: umm, this girl who hated me tried to run me over lol.

name: Jillian age: 15 gender: female. children?: none yet. relationship status: Taken. had your first kiss? if so, what age?: yeah, like 13. are you happy right now?: im okay.

do you normally come on funadvice to help, or ask questions?: help.

most used saying: seriously.

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