Do you answer every question that you click on to?

Or do you just read the answers and go on to the next question?

Answer #1

Sometimes I just read answers to questions. And, sometimes I skip. Mostly, I try to answer any question that I can answer. If its a hard question, I don’t answer it. But, I do both.

Answer #2

just depends, the title of the question may read like I know how to help or somethin but then after I read it, its totally the opposite, so I cant help, I dont answer questions where people cant type the right way or doesn make any sense, sometimes I read questions b/c I wonder the same thing, so I read the answer, and other times I answer them :)

Answer #3

not usually… in fact I dont reply to about half the questions I read simply because people have already given the advice I would give. But I love to give people advice. I think its fun and I love helping people out. But people who post pointless questions like “am I fat” and stuff like that I dont awnser to because I really just dont see the point

Answer #4

Not always, because sometimes I just have no idea what to say. Or basically I just think someone else has said it already.

But if I think I can help, I’ll answer :)

Answer #5

most of the time I do. but if it doesnt make any sense or it’s realy stupid I won’t bother.

Answer #6

I click on a lot of questions for editing purposes, so no not really… I mainly stick to answering topics I’m interested in…

Answer #7

No, I don’t. If I don’t answer it, it’s because: Either it’s been answered, OR it’s a question I cannot answer, OR a question that turns out to be too stupid to waste time on, OR it’s an unreadable / nonsensical question.

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