What do you think of interracial couples?

what are you opinions on black and white people being together.

Answer #1

Interracial relationships are perfectly fine! Theres nothing wrong with a black person and awhite person being together, I’m half white and half black, my mother is white & my father is black, and there’s nothing wrong with it ;].My fiance is also half white &half black like me, && no problems! Race really shouldnt matter if you want to be with someone, its juat a skin color. <3

Answer #2

there is nothing wrong with it… who cares about skin color when we are all the same inside. right? my sister has been dating an african american for 6 years and they couldn’t be happier. they have 2 kids together. if someone has a problem with it, then they must have a problem with themselves.

Answer #3

Skin color should not matter. If you find someone of a different color attractive then you should be able to be with them. I think some people are way to ignorant and will tell you differently but I think if both people can see past skin color then it should not matter

Answer #4

Interracial couples seem to like ones personality rather than ones color, so to me its perfectly normal, its just like going for someone who’s personality you like rather than their looks.

Answer #5

I don’t really see anything wrong..I’m just going to tell you that when I was going out with my ex (who is half black..and I’m white) people hated it and always mad rude comments to us…so you have to really strong if you’re going to do that

Answer #6

I think its perfectly fine. I hate people who complain about mixed couples like that. Its not fair at all, its only skin colour. Everyone should be equal no matter their race, and therefore its okay for any race to date whatever race they choose. Its personality that matters, not skin colour. People should stop being so racist.

Answer #7

black and white are just skins colours theres no differences , a mixed couple shouldnt be judged! theres no problelm in it what so ever in my opoinion! xxXxx

Answer #8

I dont see anything wrong with it but it is harder to maintain interracial relationships. The fact is different races are raised with different morals and values and beliefs. Those differences can cause strains on the relationship if both people stand firmly behind what they believe. I’ve been in interracial relationships and they all ended because of that. I refuse to change mine and so did they. I personaly prefer to stick with my own.

Answer #9

I don’t have a problem with it. My sister has been dating her boyfriend for the past 6 years and have 2 kids together. They are a mixed couple.

Answer #10

If your married to a black guy…who’s that dude your in bed with in your profile???

Answer #11

I don’t care if people date others from different races, that is their decision to make and I don’t judge them for it.

Answer #12

I don’t see anything wrong with it

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