How do I manage his Biting and Tantrums?

33 month old had given up biting but has now started again and temper tamper tantrums have got much worse he growls when he dont get his own way. I have run out of ideas. please help

Answer #1

Don’t give in, and if he starts, give him a very mean look like you are going to go nuts if he does it again type thing. While giving him the very mean look, tell him either to “KNOCK IT OFF!!!” or “KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT NOW!!!” Kids get scared and settle down once they know that you mean business. Be the parent, don’t let your child tell you what to do.

Answer #2

I don’t think putting him in his room is a very good idea, as that is where his toys would be. The best place for a naughty spot or a time out area is somewhere that doesn’t have any distractions, like an empty corner or the stairs. If he leaves the spot you put him in, put him back. This may be very tiring, but it works. The important things are: Don’t give in to him and don’t be unfair about punishing him. For example, 15 minutes in the corner for a 3 year old is far too much. Usually it is one minute per years of age. In the end, if you stick to what you’ve arranged, you will see the results.

Answer #3

This is common among kids with ADHD and ODD or Asperger’s. I suggest that parents back off once a ground-pounding tantrum is underway. Move back the furniture and breakables. Gather up the pets and other kids and subtract the attention from your child’s misbehavior. This is your child’s attempt to control you. So you must simply show him it doesn’t work. As soon as he’s through, go right back to the thing that caused it - whatever he didn’t want to do. He must learn this silliness is just a huge waste of time because your memory is long. And your patience is, too.

Debra Sale Wendler Respect Effect Mom

Answer #4

I agree with colethky- I work with kids, and when they’re being unruly or throwing tantrums, I sit them on the stair, and say “You’re to stay here until you’ve calmed down.” If they get up, I put them back. The more they get up, the longer they stay there. Generally, they’ve all learned that if they sit there and cool off, they can leave there much quicker.

As for the biting- not sure if it’s politically correct to do this now, but anyway. I used to bite when I was younger, and one day, my mother turned around and bit me- not really hard, but enough to make an impression. Oddly, I never did it again.

Answer #5

The best thing to do would be to never give in, even if you know your child is right. If you give in once then he will know he can get his own way. Stick with one way of dealing with it. For example, when he starts throwing his tantrum pick him up and calmly put him in his room, tell him that after he’s calmed down then he can come out. It will be hard at first, but doing it every time will make him realize that he’s not going to win. Keep your patience, you’re going to need it.

Just remember to stick with whatever you decide to do. And remember that things will get worse before they get better.

Good luck

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