Does anything in the Bible mention aliens?

I am a christian and I was wondering if anything in the bible says that we are the only life or if there are other life in other planets??? I know it could happen if God wanted it to but just wondering if it was biblical or not.

Answer #1

Yes it does - its one big story about Aliens or God(s) visiting the earth - creating man - interacting with man - destroying man etc… By interacting I mean that he or it was physically down here on earth and could be seen and heard. he even showed himself to Moses but for some reason moses was not allowed to see his face - maybe god didnt look like a human as he was from a different planet. Gods vehichles (described as clouds, black clouds, pillars etc…) could be seen and could be heard - god always made sure that when ever epople saw him coming they could hear him (described as trumpet like voice etc…) and it was some kind of spectacle that well impressed the people of the time. Angels were simply the army of the God(s) from outerspace. I dont know the motivations behind god coming down and creating man - I think they were good intentions as it seems the god set rules that provide us with a good life and keep us safe. I think that the bible has been well misinturpreted by most religious people and used for very bad purposes. I dont know why god left - maybe he is dead, maybe he got bored and decided to go home, maybe he will come back to see how his creations are doing (after all it is said that something will return). I know that I have not supported any of that I have just typed with evidence to support - passages from bible etc… If any one would like to repond to this post I will be more than happy to go more in depth to get a lively discussion going.

Answer #2

If in fact the three stars that make up Orion’s Belt (which are also called the Three Kings) actually align with Sirius (the brightest star and the star in the east) and point to the sunrise on December 25, Christmas (and the supposed day of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God) actually means that the sun is the “son” of God, and if Bethlehem literally translates from Latin to “House of Bread”, an alternative name to the constellation Virgo, meaning Virgin, is it so far fetched to think that the Bible is a carefully constructed retelling of other events analogously retold in ways us humans can conceive and understand?

I’m not saying like Martians who fly around in space ships and crap created humans, nor am I trying to denounce Christianity in any way, I’m just saying there’s probably a lot more behind it than we’ll ever know, that there might be more truth behind the Bible than you might think, but that not everything in the Bible actually happened, especially the way it’s told.

I don’t have any adamant beliefs about religion, and anyone who does is probably a little close minded. Just trying to provoke some alternative thoughts.

Answer #3

The Bible says nothing about life on other planets. Keep in mind, it was written during a time where the Earth was flat, and at the center of the universe.

From a logical standpoint, a universe with millions of galaxies and trillions of stars, would just seem like a big waste of space, right?

Answer #4

The Bible makes it clear that “God created the Earth to be inhabited only”..

So no, there is no such thing as extra terrestrial life.

& the scripture your talking about in Ezekiel is describing an angel, not a spacecraft.

Answer #5

Some people believe that Ezekiel’s vision of the flaming chariot (Ezekiel 1:1-28) represents some type of spacecraft. Other than that, I don’t know of anything in the Bible that could be considered “alien.”

Answer #6

Kaylen nicole: Im not talking about Ezekiel, that is pretty well known. The verses I referenced are in Psalms involving David. It is very descriptive, given the fact that English was limited in its ability at the time of the translation.

Answer #7

The Bible, in fact, mentions a hybrid race. Known in Genesis 6:4 as “giants in the earth”. This race was existent before the flood, in the days of Noah. These “beings” actually had relations with woman on earth. And hence, this hybrid race was created. This is a main reason that the earth was flooded, God’s creation was corrupted by unlawful, duplication.

Answer #8

In Psalm 18 vs. 6-19, using Strong’s Concordance for clarity, I believe it describes a flying craft, with a cockpit, able to shoot some form of weapon, able to maneuver quite well and pick David up and move him to a ‘broad place’. After Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, a cloud swooped down and carried him to the wilderness. If these are interpreted right, those beings operating the craft had to come from somewhere; we are pretty sure it isnt Earth.

Answer #9

The Bible doesn’t address it - like many things, they won’t be revealed to us in this life on earth, but will when we get to Heaven.

Answer #10

Thank you everyone.. I just wanted to know if God would make anyone else here.. or not.

Answer #11

no. in the bible (or at least in the bible I read) it says that their are many worlds I’ll look it up for you.

Answer #12

Thank You amblessed

Answer #13

Aliens wrote the Bible.

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