What is the best holiday ever?

what do you think is tha best holiday ever?

Answer #1

Christmas I love getting presents and spendin time with my family. and the huge dinner we make every year

Answer #2

I love halloween, give you a chance to be someone else. And I love the weather that time of year. Here in Virgina anyway, colors for the trees are pretty.

Answer #3

sooo has to be the days leading up to Christmas and Christmas itself. I love shopping for presents for people and getting my own and the huge dinner and everyone comming over andh my birthday is right after christmas in January so thats always nice.

Answer #4

CHRISTMAS!!!11 lol and my birthday.. haha does winter and summer vacations count??? lol

Answer #5

um pr0baly thanksgiving 0r christmas

Answer #6

omg I totally forgot halloween! lol!! love halloween!

Answer #7

halloween yup defiently

Answer #8


Answer #9

Christmas. :)

Answer #10


Answer #11

Christmas. Love it!

Answer #12

One of the best holidays, the memories of which I really would like to cherish, are my holidays at Windermere. The accomodations offered by Blenheim lodge and the location it was placed, was simply beautiful. It had a scenic beauty which made me feel relaxed. Placed in the mid of inspiring beauty, it made me feel completely calm and relaxed.

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