best random questions ever

is there such a thing as a tomato flower? is an avocado a fruit or veggi ??? why do some children eat glue ??? can snorting salt give you brain damage ??? do you know what an emu is(cus I do >=) )???

Answer #1

is there such a thing as a tomato flower? yea lol is an avocado a fruit or veggi ??? veggi I think lol :P why do some children eat glue ??? because it tastes good can snorting salt give you brain damage ??? YES I know from personal experiance JK lol do you know what an emu is(cus I do =) )??? yea lol its a big bird that cant fly and runs fast haha

Answer #2

Yes of course there is.

An avocado is a fruit - things with seeds are fruits.

Why wouldn’t a kid eat glue? They’re given access to it, it’s an interesting texture and shape.

I wouldn’t want to try it to find out.

Yes of course. (bird)

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