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Bellybutton piercing
I just pierced my own bellybutton with a safety pin. I did sterilize the pin… And I have been keeping it clean with rubbing alcohol, some kind of peroxide, and this stuff called bacteine, all which claim to prevent infections…
The area is a little red, though, and I’m worried about it… is it possible that it’s just skin irritation from the peroxide and rubbing alcohol? Or is it definitely an infection, in which case what should I use to clear it up?
Why would you pierce it yourself?! I suggest you let it heal up and get it re-done professionally…
Yeah bactine and rubbing alcohol are HORRIBLE to use on pearcings then actually prevent healing…
You should use epson salt + warm water
&& you should clean it no more or less then 2-3 times daily
it was kinda dumb to do it yourself but I wouldn’t take it out cause then the infection chances go up… but just look for signs if its infected then see a doctor…
but if its just a little red and tender then thats normal…
((mine was then same way it was pink for like a month… -.- but its perfect now…))
oh I got this..put a band aid over the belly button ring where it goes into the skin.keep it clean all the time! dont touch it. hope your belly button gets betta.
I did that too. mine turned red and it hurt really bad so if its hurting take it out now. when I woke up the next morning my belly button was black and I couldn’t get the ring out my dad had to cut it out. so if it hurts take it out! Good luck!
do not use anything that says “for external use only” and I got mine done professionally, and they told me to buy saline solution to clean it every day. DO NOT TAKE OUT THE PIERCING. if you do have an infection, taking out the bellybutton ring will mean that once it closes up, the infection is stuck inside of your bellybutton and so you need to leave it in. your bellybutton being red doesnt necessarily mean its infected, the skin could just be irritated. I strongly suggest you see a doctor or go to a tattoo/piercing parlor and have them check it out and tell you what to do. good luck!!
You should not be putting Bactiene on a piercing ot begin with!
Since you pierced it youself - you are just asking for problems. You pierced it with a safety pin - that is a HUGE problem. You are now at risk of an infection and of your body rejecting the piercing.
You need to clean the piercing with anti-bacterial soap - 3 times a day. Also, keep cleaning it with warm sea salt water also 3 times a day. If it continues to be red and irritated - you may need to see your doctor.
well fist of all peroxide and alcohol clean it cut kill the growng cells which is probably why its irritated. Moist heat is best for healing an infected piercing, so a warm, wet salt-water in applied with a !-tip or clean cotton swab is good. I used a sea- salt water solution to clean my cadilage piercing twice a day. use a cream like neosporin or something for cuts to heal it. do not remove it. celan around it… I used the cream on my tattoo and it speeds up the healing. hope I helpeddd
Doing it yourself was a very stupid move. I suggest you take the jewlery out, let it heal and then get it redone PROFESSIONALLY. You don’t know what your doing and neither does anyone else. By piercing it yourself, the risk of infection is VERY high, you also probably didn’t even do it right to begin with so there’s a good chance you’ll develop other issues with it it won’t heal right, it’ll leave a scar if you decide you don’t want it anymore, etc…. There are professionals for a reason. Leave these things for the people that know what they’re doing.
Oh, I jusr read you are using Rubbing Alcohol - that is NOT to be used on piercings. Look on the bottle - it says surface injuries only - not puncture wounds. Rubbing Alcohol will dry up the piercing and cause it to reject and not heal. NEVER use it on a piercing.
If it hurts don’t take it out!!! Go get it checked out!! There may be an infection and if you take it out that infection can get stuck inside and could be WAAAYYY worse!!!
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