How to deal with a super sensitive boyfriend?

Alright, I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for about a year and a couple months now. I love him to death and would do anything for him, but hes SO down on himself and always says I dont love him and stuff like that. I oviously tell him everyday how much I love him and ask him to stop putting himself down but I dunno, he just doesnt get it. When we get into fights its the wooorst thing you can imagine. he puuts harsh guilt trips on me and even threatened to kill himself once, I called the cops and he told them he wasnt suicidal. I just dont know what to do cause I love him so much and I know he loves me. Please keep in mind he is really sensitive and has OCD. thanks. Every opinion helps.

Answer #1

Dear biotchplease, This is where your maturity has to come to play. You love him and I’m sure he is a sweat guy but now is the time to ask yourself is this what you will have to put up with for years to come??? You also are being what we call an enabler meaning that you are allowing him to have this type of behaviours. You did the right thing about calling the police when he threatened to kill himself. Always take a threat like this seriously because the time you don’t is the time it will happen. Your boyfriend has very, very low self-esteem and needs counselling. The best advice would be to allow him to get help before you go further with this relationship. He also needs to feel in control: if you have a fight he needs to take the focus off resolving the problem and do something like threaten suicide to avoid focusing on a troubled relationship. It is really time for you to step back, allow him to get help and perhaps in the future your paths will meet again. You will be doing him a huge favour by letting him go. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

Try surprising him every once and a while, or sneaking up on him and kissing him. This is pretty serious, so talk to him about it too.

Answer #3

Some guys get like that because it means the world to them hearing that someone loves them and cherishes them.

So make sure you tell him all the time how you feel about him, do cute things for him like write him love letters and give him photos of you, make him a CD with songs on it that explains your true feelings for him.

So when you aren’t around, he can look at them and stuff and feel a warm feeling in his heart.

I know that I used to be in his position but without OCD. When my boyfriend wasn’t around for some reason I felt unloved, but then I’d look at things he gave me and it made me feel much better.

Hope this helps. good luck

Answer #4

personally, i was like that towards my wife and she fixed that real fast like tell him it has to go or you go blunt and honest. its not really how he is that there is a control method by putting fear into you to submit to what he wants,he gets mad about every little thing threatens this and that.first of all if he was going to kill himself he wouldnt have told you! so good luck with it and u better put a stop to it im serious buh bye

Answer #5

MY boyfriend is the same way and im bot exactly sure how to deal with it either but im gonna tell you what not to do dont let him go too far .my boyfriend stopped talking to mer for 2 months because I was fooling with my friends about him . I had to confront,beg,and basicly sound desprate toward him until we finally made up. and also if your bff dosent like him (like really hates him) then dont put him on the phone and force them to talk I did that yesterday he wont answer the phone SIGH hope I was some help XD

Answer #6

oh my god the SAME THING HAPPENS TO ME ! I don’t know what to do but it makes me so aggravated.

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