Atheist Peoplez

If you don’t believe in God, why would you use his name in vain??

Answer #1

“Oh my god” and “Jesus!” have become such common exclamations that for most people they don’t bear any conscious religious overtones. So atheists and theists are equally likely to use them.

As others have pointed out, it’s far more disrespectful for a christian to say such a phrase than for an atheist to.

Answer #2

Everyone uses the language of the society they find themselves in - including exclamatory expressions - even if they have religious overtones.

Do you find that surprising?

Answer #3

If you are an atheist, why would it be more respectful? You don’t believe in God, so obviously you don’t use it to be disrespectful or to offend people?

It’s respectful to the people who do believe, and the people who are religious should know that it’s disrespectful, and because no one thinks about what they say, they hurt people. I get it now okay! You guys don’t care! I wish I never asked this question! I wish someone would just lock it already!!!

Answer #4

I know, I think it’s wrong for people who believe in him, but I’m just confused. if you don’t believe in him, why do you talk about him? saying “Oh my God” is talking about him.

Answer #5

Yeah I realized was doing this I started saying “oh my GOSH” I just replace god with gosh and it works pretty good I was questioning my friend about this he was saying “thank god” and all this stuff and he told me before he doesn’t believe in god.

Answer #6

because we do im Athesit and you don believe in something to say it I dont beileve in santa but my brothers do so I say hes real

Answer #7

People get offened when you curse also, but a lot of people curse.

I get offended when people say they will pray for me, when they say “God Bless You” when I sneeze, or when people tell me I need to find God. I dont complain about it though - I just ignore them.

Answer #8

It’s just a saying to me, I say “God Damn” or “Good God” etc. To me it’s nothing more than a saying.

I say the word devil, santa clause, easter bunny, leprechaun also, but I dont believe in them either.

Answer #9

that’s like saying you’re stupid just for the hell of it. Some people do get offended by it, even if you don’t mean it.

Answer #10

I know, I’m just asking, for any God, still, why would they do it? it’s really rude and disrespectful whether they think that or not.

Answer #11

there are better choices of words, maybe even “Oh My Gosh!!!” That works, right? it’s less offending and more respectful, and for the swearing, it makes you look stupid.

If you are an atheist, why would it be more respectful? You don’t believe in God, so obviously you don’t use it to be disrespectful or to offend people?

Answer #12

If you don’t believe in God, then it’s not considered “using his name in vain” to THAT person. Easy.

Answer #13

anything, something as simple as “Oh my God”

Answer #14

very funny captainassassin

Answer #15

…and since when is saying ‘’Oh my God’’ offensive?

Answer #16

~I’m not atheist~ but in general, it’s just a phrase. people say a lot of things that they don’t think through the meaning of it. it is just another one of the things people say when they get mad/frustrated.

Answer #17

thedude - thank you, you explained it way better than I did.

Answer #18

I wish someone would just lock it already!!!

Then you should start using profane language, and offending people, that’ll get it locked… probably…

Answer #19

swearing sounds childish.

Funny. You say its childish; but for the most part, adults tend to forbid children from saying such things. And the children often learn profane terms from ADULTS anyway.

Answer #20

It’s a common “saying” … it really doesnt have a meaning to anyone who doesnt believe… Also, most people I know arent offended by it (even if they are religious). It really has just become a part of language…

Answer #21

swearing sounds childish. I respect others beliefs, I don’t say anything that would hurt them just cause of their beliefs. this seems to have been a bad question if people are being offended by it. I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. Saying God’s name in vain can offened many people. there are better choices of words, maybe even “Oh My Gosh!!!” That works, right? it’s less offending and more respectful, and for the swearing, it makes you look stupid. it doesn’t mean you are, but if you can’t find better things to say (cause there are).

Answer #22

swearing sounds childish. I respect others beliefs, I don’t say anything that would hurt them just cause of their beliefs. this seems to have been a bad question if people are being offended by it. I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. Saying God’s name in vain can offened many people. there are better choices of words, maybe even “Oh My Gosh!!!” That works, right? it’s less offending and more respectful, and for the swearing, it makes you look stupid. it doesn’t mean you are, but if you can’t find better things to say (cause there are).

Answer #23

thedude is right I dont beleive in “god” so anything I say with his name means nothing to me its not disrespectful because were not telling it to religiouse people its just like a swear word or a saying it only becomes disrespectful when religiouse people dont accept other peoples beleifs saying things like your going to hell, god bless, I hope you make the right choice, ect is considered very rude and offensive to many athiests but only because the people saying it dont respect there religion or lack of saying something like god damn, oh my god, jesus christ ect…isnt actually referrring to these “things” personally because they dont beleive in it its just another saying you can use to describe something happening and how your feeling

Answer #24

lmfatfho no, is doesn’t or “Oh my Goddess” That 1 is annoying, doesn’t have the right ring to it. Oh, here’s a question, how do you know they’re putting the christain god’s name in vain? They could be meaning something else.

Answer #25

Why do people who DO believe in God use his name in vain? Wouldn’t it be worse to believe in something & use their name in vain? & really it’s not in vain for people who don’t believe in him(as thedude stated). & really it’s not talking about him, it’s calling to him. & the reason, for me, is the fact that it becomes a bad habbit. Every day, atleast once, I hear, “omg! omg”. I eventualy started saying it unaware that I picked up the habbit. But I’m getting out og it, not because I’m afraid of offending people, not that I try to, but it’s slang & I dislike using slang.

Answer #26

Its just a common saying in our culture. I agree with thedude.

Words are only words. Why are you only asking atheist? Wouldn’t it be worse for someone that does believe in God to take his or jesus’s name in vain?

Answer #27

Some people do get offended by it…

That’s THEIR problem. Using slang, and profane language, is not forbidden for anyone. Some christians may think otherwise, but that’s because they don’t really know what ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain’ actually means.

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