Does anyone have tips for jogging?

ok I am determined to become fit and healthy. and I would like to jog. any tips on what to wear? how long to jog for? what kind of foods will give me the best energy? what are the benifits for jogging? etc

Answer #1

If you are starting an exercise regime its better to start off slow. Depending on your health now, you may want to start at a walk and work up to jogging. The best way to determine what is the best speed for your body is take a short test. Do a 30 minute workout push yourself to the point where you are out of breath, but can still speak a full sentence without gasping for air. It’s better to start an exercise regime slow. Pushing yourself too hard will tend to make you sore and increase the likelihood that you won’t continue exercising. Do those 30 minute work outs at least 3 times a week allowing your body to recuperate inbetween workouts. Once you feel comfortable with 30 minutes a that pace, increase your pace until you feel like you working out again.

The best work out attire is clothing that is loose fitting, that allows air to circulate through it, and that will dry quickly. Layers work great for cooler climates. It allows you to remove or replace clothing when you need to. Shoes are very important especially for runners. Go to a shoe store and talk with the sales people. Good stores will know what kind of shoe you will need for the use it will get. Shoes protect your joints against the jolt of running on concrete or pavement and help prevent injury. The better the shoe the better the protection.

Choose well lit places to go for your jog. Be safe. Carrying a cell phone or going with a friend is always the best idea. Going with a friend is not only safer, its also easier to continue an exercise program with support.

Be sure to have something light and starchy at least 15 minutes before your exercise. It will give your body enough fuel to keep going. Eating anything to heavy can give you side cramps. Try things like an apple or some kind of fruit. These kind of foods are easily converted to energy. Keep hydrated. Carry water with you, especially if you are going to be going longer than 30 min or if the climate is very warm. Without proper hydration you can feel lightheaded, get dehydrated and even require medical attention in extreme circumstances.

Start and end you exercise with light stretching. Stretching the calves, thighs and buttocks help prevent soreness and stiff muscles. It also helps lengthen muscles and gives more flexibility to you during your workout.

Answer #2

Wear Comfortable Clothing,Like Sweats and a Wife Beater. or maybe an Oversized Tee,With Comfy Shorts. And Sneakers,of Course.

Jogging for 0 Minutes sounds good to m, Its just the right amount to get an excersize in,without feeling too sluggish.

In Track,They tell you to eat things with carbs for energy. My Friend Haley Eats Pretzels before track meets. Also Pasta and Rice Helps.

Benefits of jogging inclue getting your heart to beat faster,and healthier,It Changes Stored fat to Muscle,And It Increases your Breathing.

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