Any Jedi's here?

Just wondering if there is any here, what’s the religion like, what you actually do and how do other religious people treat you when they find out

Answer #1

well there some that just Roleplay,cosplay like me ;D

Answer #2

HA! thats the funniest thing I’ve heard all day! poor people. are there siths too? I hope not. that would just be freaky. the Jedis and the Siths would get together and fight. I would be worried.

Answer #3

Apparently there are two Jedi churches in the world…

Yeah, it is kinda sad that people actually believe something from George Lucas’s mind is for real- but hey, it provides entertainment for the rest of us!

Answer #4

Apparently a bunch of nerds registered it as a real religion a while back and it is a legally recongised religion now, im not one im just interested

and yes as in star wars

Answer #5

Are you telling me there are people in the real world, that practice a science-fictional religion?

Wow… that’s pathetic…

Answer #6

Jedi? as in Star wars? I love Star Wars!

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