How do you stop yourself from being anorexic?

If anyone out there has ever seuffered from anorexia and/or bulemia can you help me! how do you stop you’r mind from talking for you? how do you not see yourself as fdat every morning..IM SCARED!!

Answer #1

Sweetie, find some help ASAP. Try the National Eating Disorders Website for more information and referrals in your area. If you’re still in school, go talk to the school counselor or to a teacher you trust. It’s important to get help ASAP, because eating disorders are highly dangerous and (if they don’t kill you) do permanent damage to your body. Recovery is a scary thing, but it’s the right thing to do, and it’s NECESSARY. You CAN get better. It takes work, courage, and honesty, but I know you can do it.

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