what people find so special about Sarah Palin?

I just want to know what people find so special about Sarah Palin?

Answer #1

I don’t know if you’d say ‘special’, she’s a person just like any of us - has ups and downs - she has demonstrated she is a person with solid values, a strong woman, secure and competent with herself, yet not arrogant, humble - a lot of traits I admire - there are some who are doing anything, anything, to try and smear her character - throwing tons of things against the wall - we’ll see of they stick.

Answer #2

“Seems he’s still got his job, and more than likely still drinking, just maybe holds off drinking on the job, nowdays…”

Yes, he still has his job because the public saftey commisioner who wouldn’t fire him after pressure from palin was in turn fired for not doing it.

Answer #3

amblessed, you are delusional. Does a person with solid values use her position of authorty to exact revenge on her sisters ex-husband?

Seems he’s still got his job, and more than likely still drinking, just maybe holds off drinking on the job, nowdays…


Answer #4

She isn’t special. Her voice is annoying. And she’s a liar, liar, pants on fire.

Answer #5

Well, maybe no one has said special…it’s just different I guess so people are talking about it. At least more people are interested in the outcome of this election than many of the elections of the past. The more people that take part in elections the better. It will be historic either way…either a first woman VP, or a first African American president. Either way it has people talking…and registering to vote…and thats pretty special.

Answer #6

“she has demonstrated she is a person with solid values, a strong woman, secure and competent with herself, yet not arrogant, humble “

amblessed, you are delusional. Does a person with solid values use her position of authorty to exact revenge on her sisters ex-husband?

To amblessed, anyone who is anti-abortion has strong values. It doesn’t matter what their actual behavior is like, just as long as they are against abortion.

Answer #7

she’s a woman (which makes it historic because there has never been a woman vice president)

uhm yeah that’s pretty much it…

she’s against abortions in cases of incest and rape she has no foreign policy experience she doesnt know what the vice president is supposed to be doing she’s against sex education in schools (considering her daughter is pregnant, uhm…)

so yeah, nothing special about her, except she’s a woman… and isnt very pro woman rights

Answer #8

I dont know, why does everyone think obama is the greatest thing when he hasn done anything

Answer #9

No idea. I guess because she’s a woman, but I’d rather have a woman who stands up for womens’ rights, personally.

Answer #10

She obviously isn’t special because I sure as helll don’t know about her.

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