What is an excuse to have a sleepover?

my mom wont let me have a sleepover and I neeed an excuse to convience her to let me have one after she already said no

Answer #1

No means no,idiot. Whether you like it or not. Jesus f*,grow up already!

Answer #2

yea I agree with cambei, find out the reason, than try to work around it if it a stupid reason.

Answer #3

Make her feel guilty. Say ‘I have no friends’ or something. It depends though, why did she say no? Consider her reasons and try to work something around that.

Answer #4

No need to go of on her phychopath. Why isn’t she allowing you a sleep over? How about promising to be good and clean up after yourselves? Won’t that make her reconsider?…oh and actually keeping the promises.

Answer #5

you people can be so mean! Look wht you could do is tell her that you promise to be good, clean after a mess and not make so much noise that will give her a headegh for 3 days. Also there has to be a reason why your mom said no.

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