Am I stupid for loving a cheater?

ami stupid, for loving a cheater… He cheated on me with my best friend, even though before hes always said he hates cheaters and all that bull sh*t… I still love him though and we talked all last night, he kept saying sorry and stuff, and at one point he tried to kill himself andi got really scared and threw up, but he didnt end up killing himself. I still love him and somehow trust him and I dont know why..

Answer #1

I have had this problem and im 12 ok this is what you do fau I had my boyfriend ok he cheated with my bestfriend and ok I caught him cumming in his f##king mouth ok so gay men are highly sexual preditores so have a convo with not breaking up convo a convo why he did it and then you be solved

Answer #2

Thanks for all your guys help. Me and him talked a lot today. Also all they did was make out a couple times but yeah.. im going to give him a nother chance

Answer #3

it doesnt mean your stupid … if you really love him should try to work it out but if he does it again dump him. it might be a really hard thing to do though

Answer #4

Your not stupid but maybe mentally not think with your conscience. I mean like you know its wrong but you are letting your heart make your decisions. When you should let your heart and head do the decisions 50/50… Well if you know it wont happen again, its okay to let it pass but you know the sayin “ one a cheater always a cheater”. There are some that change. But not all. Good luck, hope my advice helps you out.

Answer #5

Your never stupid for being in love. Love is hard emotion to control, since it’s one of the strongest one’s we have. I would like to tell you though, people fall in love with the wrong people all the time. I personally, would try and move on, before things get worse. If he has cheated on you, he obviously doesn’t care about you as much as he says he does. He wasn’t thinking about how much he loved you when he didn’t keep his dick in his pants now was he. Move on before you get hurt again. Good luck.

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