Am I creeping myself out. or is he actually creepy ?

This year I just went into grade 10. I am in a class with grade 12’s cause im in advanced classes. My teacher is really nice. But theres just something about him , it seems like hes always staring at me. I seen him glance down at my chest a few times. When I ask him for help he usually seems too close so I try not to ask many questions. We had a project and I passed mine in, theres a board where he posts all the projects . there was room for mine but instead he put mine right infront of the class and the rest on the side. What should I do. Maybe im just creeping myself out , but how can I be sure ?

Answer #1

sounds a LITTLE creepy, sure, all I would tell you is just be careful. I mean worst case scenario, he DOES have a little “thing” for you, and in that case, all you do is be very careful, dont talk to him alone, etc. good luckk.

Answer #2

I think you’re reading too much into it.

Also, if you’re wearing shirts that show your breasts, it’s hard not to look, even if you don’t want to.

Answer #3

…a compliment?

the teacher/student relationship is to remain exactly that…and this guy could possibly be crossing the line. all this girl is trying to do is protect herself.

Answer #4

it’s never a bad thing to be too careful.

of course there are explanations for how he’s been acting…maybe he thinks your work is exceptional…maybe he stares off into space a lot…maybe there was something on your shirt that made him look there (like a weird stain)…I don’t know…

but…if all this attention (whether intentional on his part or not) creeps you out, then talk to him about it. it might be very uncomfortable…but I’m sure the two of you would be able to figure something out. if you’re too afraid to do that, go to the counselor and ask to have your schedule changed. tell her that the teacher just isn’t fitting your learning style.

if you seriously suspect this guy really is a creep…tell someone about it…another teacher, a counselor, even the principle if you have to.

Answer #5

Try to take this as a compliment, confronting him about it might lead you down a path you don’t want to take.

Answer #6

Try and ask your best friend (that you trust) in the class if he/she notices it too..

Answer #7

that is a very good point.

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