Okay.Well say that you touched a door know that used to have bubblegum on it and the gum was from a person that had AIDS.It used to have gum on it until someone wiped it off with pinesol.So the gum is gone.This was weeks ago.So after you touch it,you masturbate.Can you catch AIDS that way then?

Answer #1

Oral sex is sex I should have put any type of sex lol and I knew that you can get it for an open wound Im sorry I just forgot to put that

Answer #2

You get aids by having sex and or using seringes used for drugs if the needle wasnt clean, and or I think blood contact.

Answer #3

No you can not get Aids that way.

Answer #4

foxyfox - that’s not true.

You can get it from someone blood getting into a cut or any opening of your body (eyes, mouth, a open wound etc). You can also get Aids from oral sex if one of the people has a cut or opening on their body.

Answer #5

The only way you can get AIDs is if you have SEX with some one who has AIDs so dont worry

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