Do adults like the snow?

i’ve often heard adults complain about it, so do any of you like it?

Answer #1

Well saying most kids love the snow and some adults enjoy it ocassionally but it sometimes gets to cold for adults and theyre complaining that there children are making to much mess by bringing it in to the house

Answer #2

Well, do you? You’re an adult. I love the snow…I guess I have to, since I live up in the cold Canadian north.

Answer #3

I personally love the snow…for about five minutes, then a loathe it. In Louisiana it almost never snows, but for some reason the past two years it has snowed atleast one day. I was excited for five minutes…then i hated every second of it. Our power went out because our power lines arent built for snowy weather, towns, roads, stores, everything closed down because we dont know how to drive in the snow down here, it made a HUGE mess when it was melting in our yards…i really could care less if it ever snowed here again.

Answer #4

Well although some adults claim they dislike it because their kids end up with colds and trailing dirt and snow and water all the way through the house, some adults adults secretly love it as it feels like their second childhood!!

Answer #5

Personally I love the snow since i was born & raised in NYC…so we are used to getting a few inches although with all the quick salting all over the place, we never hv to worry about driving in the snow unless there is a blizzard making it impossible to see as ur driving(rarely happens though!) making it all white & cheerful…compared to the stormy depressing rainy days!
I find snow fascinating…pure…tranquil…love the crisp air then coming home to a warm cup of hot chocolate…or roasted chestnuts :P (simply makes me smile…unlike rain…which really brings me so down I feel like crying or just getting under the warm covers with some hot tea & a good movie.)

Answer #6

there are a lot of adults who snow ski!

Answer #7

Some do…I guess.

Answer #8

I have never really liked snow, not even when I was a child. I like the idea of it, but in reality its not fluffy, its cold and wet, and makes my socks wet. I did like the days when I was at school when it snowed and we got to stay home from school. Those were awesome days. My mum and dad would somehow produced hot soap and endless amounts of hot chocolate even though the power was out, and we would sit around gas heaters and just play board games all day. Things like that dont happen now though. If it snowed that much, I doubt uni would give us a day off. They are nasty like that, half the time they dont even give us public holidays off

Answer #9

I love the way it looks, but its just a pain to deal with. I have a huge driveway that I have to shovel, and I have to shovel the front and back walkway and sidewalk of my house. My city is not the best at cleaning the streets, so driving in it is a mess. It usually melts during the day and freezes back up at night creating ice….Which is even worse than snow. Unless you are a teacher or child care provider you most likely have to go into work, and the commute takes twice sometime 3x as long. If I got to relax in the house, had money to pay someone to shovel for me, and had the opportunity to drive anywhere with no problems, then I would LOVE the snow! Unfortunately none of that is true, so I loathe it. :(

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