Add in contracts

The law said that you cant fire a worker with out reason right But what if yoo have a contract that said you can (this you addite but he is also fully aware) does that contract hold ? Can you fire the worker than without reason ? And also a contract for marrage that states that the man could have sex with other women but incase if devorse it could not be used against him Does that contract hold ?

Answer #1

A contract is binding, and if the person was given a suitable translation of the contract so that it can not be misunderstood and signs it, it’s legal.

Answer #2

Usually the law supersedes any contract you sign… But you probably want to ask a lawyer…

Answer #3

What you’re talking about sounds like “at will” employment. It means the employee can quit at any time and the employer can fire for any reason (assuming no gross discrimination has occurred.) Yes, it’s binding, and yes, they can then fire you without reason.

And for marriage, if you sign a contract stating they are allowed to sleep with other people, then no…infidelity can not be used against you later.

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