I can't accept myself for who I am

I love my boyfriend & he loves me. The thing is I just can’t seem to accept myself for who I am… I went from 165 to 130 pounds & I’m happy that I’ve finally lost the weight but I still don’t like my body I need to loose like 5-10 more pounds. So if I don’t like my own body how will he like my body? he said “you don’t need to change anything I love you just how you are” but hes only saying that cause hes my boyfriend. I’m afraid of what he will say when we have sex our first time & he sees my naked body what will he think of me? I have pimples on my face ( I get them on my face when I stress or monthly). stretch marks on my sides & thighs. I’m trying coca butter but it seems like nothing is happening. I heard that stretch marks don’t completely go away also I just can’t seem to get rid of these pimples there’s not a lot of them but I just don’t like them :( I just really want to be happy with my body instead of covering it up all the time… (I’m not sure where this goes if I’m posting in the wrong place please tell me)

Answer #1

If he really didn’t like you then he wouldn’t be your boyfriend, he would have dumped you. Losing the weight shouldn’t be too hard, if that is what you want to do. Replace 4 or 5 meals a week with nothing but steamed vegetables…cauliflour, celery, green beans…you can eat until you are full and almost no calories all all, so you arn’t feeling hungry. Run a mile or so 2-3 times a week and you will lose the weight easy. Men can look past the pimples. For most people pimples stick around a very short time, maybe 2-3 years tops, which may seem like an eternity when you are younger but believe me one day you won’t have them at all so don’t stress too much about it. If he really cares it won’t matter, and if he doesn’t then you shouldn’t have sex with him anyway. As far as clearing up the pimples you should consult a dermatologist if you haven’t already, but I did some quick research on some forums and here is what I found for over the counter that people recommend…PanOxyl Benzoyl Peroxide 10% and Cetaphil . Good luck

Answer #2

Thanks so much everyone you’ve been a great help & I feel a million times better :) I’m just going to try & fix the stretch marks as much as I can also the pimples. I’ll try being more confident. Again Thanks so much you guys are the best ever! :)

Answer #3

you shouldn’t really do anything.. if your boyfriend loves you for who you are then he will love you.. if he says he does than believe the man.. you are just being insecure..be yourself act how you are and know that he loves you…

Answer #4

I agree with primordial. Most guys do look past pimples, and I think they also look past everything on a girl unless you have an STD and it’s highly visible you should have no worries.

Answer #5

Yep everyone here is right. Your boyfriend loves you a lot, and these stuff like stretch marks that you think are ‘flaws’ doesn’t really matter at all in a loving relationship. You should be less insecure, be more confident. These “flaws” make you who you are. No matter how you look, a guy loves and respects a woman who is confident with herself and her body!

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