3 love poems in 1

Do what makes you happy Be with who makes you smile Laugh as much as you breath Love as long as you live

That one was for my dad who passed.

If you love something let it go If it comes back its yours If it doesn’t, it never was

That was when I broke up with my ex.

When I first saw u I was afraid to meet u When I first met u I was afrid to hold u Now that I love u Im afraid to lose u

Another ex lol

Answer #1

:) Awww lol there really good I especially like the third one! Very sweet!! There all awsum you shud make more!!! Love em! :)


Answer #2

Aww these are sweet

Answer #3

nice 1’s I love each and every one hope to read more

Answer #4

aww they seem soo sweet!!

Answer #5

I love it too still jeolous lol

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