Here are two more poems

Sorry I’ve been posting so many lately, I’ve been in the mood to write:

She’s drenched in silence, Soaked in fear, The weight of emotions is dragging her down. She tries to dry off, With words of bravery, But bundles of tears begin to rebound. Her music’s a fan, Her writing is too, But lately it has been out numbered. Her methods to cope, To deal with this pain Have been acting much more like covers.

When she flaunts her perfection, She’s hiding her pain. Take comfort in the fact, That the sun’s under the rain.

She may be beautiful, More beautiful then you. But on the inside she’s empty, A hollow cartoon.

So you might think she’s fake, With her clothes of all pink. But the lies that she tells, Are worth more than you think.

Answer #1

heres another but im not sure about this one: She broke in two pieces, And lost her other half, It’s buried deep in the ground, Along with her laugh.

She has only half of a smile, Only half of a heart, It’s a wonder she’s alive, With out that other part.

She’s no longer smart, With only half of a brain, She’s become reckless now, For she’s only half as sane.

But the positive in this, Is she has only half the tears, Only half the sadness, And only half the fears,

She is an optimistic girl, When it comes to this fact, That you can always find good, It’s just how you react.

Answer #2

wow man you have really really good talent!!! =]

Answer #3

XD same I would like too read all your poems you have talent

Answer #4

wow there really good!! there really deep I love them!! I hope you put out more so I can keep reading!!

Answer #5

thanks so much! I always wanted to be a writer when I was younger but I never thought I had enough talent. Thank you for the compliments! =] =]

Answer #6

wow, you really have some talent, bet you go far, keep posting, I love reading them (: erin x

Answer #7

Dude, stop you’re making me jealous!!! :D

Answer #8

WHOA. You HAVE to become a writer!!! Those are so good (and so true). They’re amazing!!! Trust me, I want to be a writer.

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