1 week olk kitty

my kitty opened here eyes in a wk. 1 opend first then the other one. now I have noticed that the 2nd when( last to open) is shut again??? I notices some crust, so I took a cutip and warm water and whiped it off and a big hunk of green puss come off. Does she have conjuntivitis, is there anything I can do, so I dont need to go to the vet..$$$ are low. Thank you.

Answer #1

she probley has an infection,my kitten was the same,I used sterile water which you will get frm a pharmacy to clean the eyes and it was gone in 2 days,make sure you keep her eyes clean by washing twice a day are when her eyes get sticky

Answer #2

She need to go to the vet and be put on a antibotic called clavamox, If I were you I would read up on Upper Respitory Infection or URI because that is what she has and it is highly contagious and more then likly the rest of the litter will get it and not beat it without the med’s they need from the Vet. I would call and see if they will give you the meds without a appoitment, but I doubt it. They always like to see the patient to make sure there treating it correctly. The infection will not go away with just Sterile water, you said it yoursefl, Green PUss, Infection…

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