Discuss: Is genetic engineering ethical?

Yes or no, and why?

Answer #1

No because from what I read on si-fi stuff things go whacko when you do so. I mean, do you want a mutated virus or superhuman people running around? And don’t get me started on. Unless the thing engineered is good like some body part or medicine, I say no. Leave the earth and genetics alone. My rule is that if it didint exist before the industrial revolution: don’t go near it/ or eat it.

Answer #2

The same reasoning could be used against antibiotics, air travel or the Internet. We have been doing genetic engineering for millions of years. Every time we are attracted to someone else it is because they possess genes we think would be favorable to combine with our own. We are programmed to look for healthy, well adapted, durable, and capable qualities in our partner. People already go for genetic counseling to see if potential offspring are likely to have congenital health problems and take that into consideration when deciding if they will have kids. While there are some potential ethical dilemmas when we tinker with our code like anything else there is nothing inherently good or evil to genetic engineering; it all comes down to how it is used.

Answer #3

I wasn’t sure how to answer the question at first, because for every action there is a reaction. Genetic engineering has been around a long time and has it’s positive factors. Like agriculture, where we are able to now produce more food and healthier crops that would otherwise not grow in certain regions, impoverished countries who do not have the soil or enviornment that would allow food growth. Production animals such as turkeys and chickens are not the same as those found in the wild. It is all designed to feed a growing population and deminish disease in food waste. But there are downsides as well and with genetic engineerings continued advancements in everything from plant, animal,and human, I’m sure the long term effects are still in many cases unrealized, and if ever we reach a point where our science cannot combat the negative effects of our actions. I think Filletospam summned it up when he posted…”It all comes down to how it is used”. and to what extent we will take it.

Answer #4

Definately. We use genetically modified organisms in our research all the time and they are invaluable for furthering biomedical knowledge. There are huge misconceptions about what genetic modification is. In science, we use it to turn certain genes on or off etc, and by doing so we can tease apart what is going on in the body in health and pathology, and such work can hopefully lead on to better treatment options. Outside of biomedical research and therapeutics, I dont really see the benefits though. Genetics is complicated and we dont understand enough about how it all works

Answer #5

I think it’s interesting, but definitely not ethical. It’s cool to think that you can basically mold your unborn child into a super-kid, but at the same time, you should love your kid no matter what. It’s also cool that you can clone people and animals, but it’s freaky as HELL to even think about. Cool? Yes. Ethical? Absolutely not. What makes it cool is that we, as humans, have advanced enough to be able to do these things. But it’s scary to think of what we could do next.

Answer #6

Ethics is a slippery word. That which is ethical within a scientific, religious, cultural or family setting may not be accepted out side of that domain. If you are asking if genetic engineering is ethical within the realm of scientific research, I say yes, it is our heritage to expand existing knowledge to new frontiers. If you are asking if it is okay for companies like Monsanto, whose only drive is for profit, to engage haphazardly in genetic engineering outside of a closed, negative air pressure facility, without strict control for public safety; I say no.

Answer #7

i think its perfectly ethical. its the next advancement we need in science. and if we can create it, then there is no reason that it shouldn’t exist because its obvious it can. the world needs advancements so that we can learn more about it, even broaden our few to bigger and better inventions and medicines. genetic engineering is something that scientists should definately look further into

Answer #8

Then do you think it was ethical for Monsanto to ‘force’ Bt-corn upon farmers against their will that is currently causing sterility in hogs and putting them out of business? Before you answer, watch the video ‘patent for a pig’!

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