do you like science???

YES or NO.I hate science!!!

Answer #1

yay, go anatomy and embryology/developmental bio! Tehe thats what I study

Answer #2


Ya, I like it.

Answer #3

Holy f* I love science. I make a living thanks to that ( :

Answer #4

After this semester I’ll have an accounting degree. Hopefully

Answer #5

love it, after this semester I will have a science degree, yay!!! One week to go!

Answer #6

Science is my favorite subject :)

Answer #7

As long as I don’t have it as a subject, I’m fine with it.

Answer #8

You hate science? While using a computer to communicate with other people over the internet?

Answer #9

Don’t hate it, just don’t enjoy it.

Answer #10

Science pays my bills, so I guess I like it.

Answer #11

I like some sciences, but I love math.

Answer #12

I’m okay with it. xD I like it when I understand it. xD hahaha. =]

Answer #13

You gotta admit, it’s very interesting. :)

Answer #14

thats cool

Answer #15

You hate science? Science is defined as any system of thought where there is a predictable result, so you’ve essentially declared that you HATE everything listed below. My personal favorites are where you declare that you hate dentistry and agriculture.

Major fields of science (wiki):


* Analytical chemistry
* Biochemistry
* Computational chemistry
* Electrochemistry
* Geochemistry
* Inorganic chemistry
* Materials science
* Medicinal chemistry
* Organic chemistry
* Polymer chemistry
* Physical chemistry
* Quantum chemistry
* Spectroscopy
* Stereochemistry
* Thermochemistry
* Thermodynamics


* Acoustics
* Agrophysics
* Atomic, Molecular, and
  Optical physics
* Biophysics
* Computational physics
* Condensed matter physics
* Cryogenics
* Dynamics
* Electricity & Magnetism
* Electronics
* Fluid dynamics
* Geophysics
* Materials physics
* Mathematical physics
* Mechanics
* Nuclear physics
* Optics
* Particle/High Energy physics
* Plasma physics
* Polymer physics
* Quantum Physics
* Statics
* Solid State
* Thermodynamics
* Vehicle dynamics


* Archaeoastronomy
* Astrobiology
* Astrochemistry
* Astrodynamics
* Astrometry
* Astrophysics
* Cosmochemistry
* Cosmology
* Extragalactic astronomy
* Galactic astronomy
* Physical cosmology
* Planetary geology
* Planetary science
* Solar astronomy
* Stellar astronomy

Earth sciences

* Atmospheric sciences
* Biogeography
* Cartography
* Climatology
* Coastal geography
* Geodesy
* Geography
* Geology
* Geomorphology
* Geostatistics
* Geophysics
* Glaciology
* Hydrology
* Hydrogeology
* Mineralogy
* Meteorology
* Oceanography
* Paleoclimatology
* Paleontology
* Petrology
* Limnology
* Seismology
* Soil science
* Topography
* Volcanology

Environmental sciences

* Ecology
      o Freshwater biology
      o Marine biology
      o Parasitology
      o Population dynamics
* Environmental chemistry
* Environmental soil science
* Environmental geology
* Toxicology

Life Sciences / Biology

* Anatomy / Morphology
* Astrobiology
* Biochemistry
* Bioinformatics
* Biophysics
* Botany
      o Bryology
      o Mycology
            + Lichenology
      o Palynology
      o Phycology (Algology)
* Cell biology / Cytology
* Chronobiology
* Developmental biology
      o Embryology
      o Gerontology
* Epidemiology
* Evolution/Evolutionary biology
      o Evolutionary developmental biology
* Genetics
      o Genomics
      o Proteomics
      o Population genetics
* Microbiology/Bacteriology
* Molecular Biology
      o Structural biology
* Physiology
      o Immunology
      o Kinesiology
      o Neuroscience
      o Histology
* Systematics
      o Cladistics
      o Phylogeny
      o Taxonomy
* Virology
* Zoology
      o Arachnology
            + Acarology
      o Entomology
            + Myrmecology
      o Ethology
      o Helminthology
      o Herpetology
      o Ichthyology
      o Malacology
      o Mammology
            + Cetology
            + Physical anthropology
      o Nematology
      o Ornithology

Computer sciences

* Theory of computation
      o Automata theory (Formal languages)
      o Computability theory
      o Computational complexity theory
      o Concurrency theory
* Algorithms
      o Randomized algorithms
      o Distributed algorithms
      o Parallel algorithms
* Data structures
* Computer architecture
      o VLSI design
* Operating systems
* Computer communications (networks)
      o Information theory
      o Internet, World wide web
      o Wireless computing (Mobile computing)
* Computer security and reliability
      o Cryptography
      o Fault-tolerant computing
* Distributed computing
      o Grid computing
* Parallel computing
      o High-performance computing
* Quantum computing
* Computer graphics
      o Image processing
      o Scientific visualization
      o Computational geometry
* Software engineering
      o Formal methods (Formal verification)
* Programming languages
      o Programming paradigms
            + Object-oriented programming
            + Functional programming
      o Program semantics
      o Type theory
      o Compilers
      o Concurrent programming languages
* Information science
      o Database
            + Relational database
            + Distributed database
            + Object database
      o Multimedia, hypermedia
      o Data mining
      o Information retrieval
* Artificial intelligence
      o Automated reasoning
      o Computer vision
      o Machine learning
            + Artificial neural network
      o Natural language processing (Computational linguistics)
      o Expert systems
      o Robotics
* Human-computer interaction
* Computing in Mathematics, Natural sciences, Engineering and Medicine
      o Numerical analysis
      o Algebraic (symbolic) computation
      o Computational number theory
      o Computational mathematics
      o Scientific computing (Computational science)
      o Computational biology (bioinformatics)
      o Computational physics
      o Computational chemistry
      o Computational neuroscience
      o Computer-aided engineering
            + Finite element analysis
            + Computational fluid dynamics
* Computing in Social sciences, Arts and Humanities, Professions
      o Computational economics
      o Computational sociology
      o Computational finance
      o Humanities computing (Digital Humanities)
* Information systems (Business informatics)
      o Information technology
      o Management information systems
      o Health informatics


* Algebra
      o Group theory
            + Group representation
      o Ring theory
      o Field theory
      o Linear algebra (Vector space)
      o Multilinear algebra
      o Lie algebra
      o Associative algebra
      o Non-associative algebra
      o Universal algebra
      o Homological algebra
      o Category theory
      o Lattice theory (Order theory)
      o Differential algebra
* Analysis
      o Real analysis
            + Calculus
      o Complex analysis
      o Functional analysis
            + Operator theory
      o Non-standard analysis
      o Harmonic analysis
      o p-adic analysis
      o Ordinary differential equations
      o Partial differential equations
* Probability theory
      o Measure theory
      o Ergodic theory
      o Stochastic process
* Geometry and Topology
      o General topology
      o Algebraic topology
      o Geometric topology
      o Differential topology
      o Algebraic geometry
      o Differential geometry
      o Projective geometry
      o Affine geometry
      o Non-Euclidean geometry
      o Convex geometry
      o Discrete geometry
* Trigonometry
* Number theory
      o Analytic number theory
      o Algebraic number theory
      o Geometric number theory
* Logic and Foundations of mathematics
      o Set theory
      o Proof theory
      o Model theory
      o Recursion theory
      o Modal logic
      o Intuitionistic logic
* Applied mathematics
      o Statistics
            + Mathematical statistics
            + Econometrics
            + Actuarial science
            + Demography
      o Approximation theory
      o Numerical analysis
      o Optimization (Mathematical programming)
            + Operations research
            + Linear programming
      o Dynamical systems
            + Chaos theory
            + Fractal geometry
      o Mathematical physics
            + Quantum field theory
            + Statistical mechanics
      o Information theory
      o Cryptography
      o Combinatorics
            + Coding theory
      o Graph theory
      o Game theory

Systems science

* Chaos theory
* Complex systems
* Complexity theory
* Cybernetics
      o Biocybernetics
      o Engineering cybernetics
      o Management cybernetics
      o Medical cybernetics
      o New Cybernetics
      o Second-order cybernetics
* Control theory
      o Affect control theory
      o Control engineering
      o Control systems
      o Dynamical systems
      o Perceptual control theory
* Operations research
* Systems biology
      o Computational systems biology
      o Synthetic biology
      o Systems immunology
* Systems dynamics
      o Social dynamics
* Systems ecology
      o Ecosystem ecology
* Systems engineering
      o Biological systems engineering
      o Earth systems engineering and management
      o Enterprise systems engineering
      o Systems analysis
* Systems psychology
      o Ergonomics
      o Family systems theory
      o Systemic therapy
* Systems theory
      o Biochemical systems theory
      o Ecological systems theory
      o Developmental systems theory
      o General systems theory
      o Living systems theory
      o LTI system theory
      o Sociotechnical systems theory
      o Mathematical system theory
      o World-systems theory


* Anthropology of religion
* Applied anthropology
* Archaeology
* Cultural anthropology
* Ethnobiology
* Ethnography
* Ethnology
* Ethnopoetics
* Evolutionary anthropology
* Experimental archaeology
* Historical archaeology
* Linguistic anthropology
* Medical anthropology
* Physical anthropology
* Psychological anthropology
* Zooarchaeology
* Anthrozoology


* Macroeconomics
* Microeconomics
* Behavioural economics
* Bioeconomics
* Development economics
* Econometrics
* Economic geography
* Economic history
* Economic sociology
* Energy economics
* Entrepreneurial Economics
* Environmental economics
* Feminist economics
* Financial economics
* Green economics
* Industrial organization
* International economics
* Institutional economics
* Islamic economics
* Labor economics
* Law and Economics
* Managerial economics
* Mathematical economics
* Monetary economics
* Public finance
* Public economics
* Real estate economics
* Resource economics
* Socialist economics
* Welfare economics
* Computational economics
* Econometrics
* Evolutionary economics
* Experimental economics
* Social psychology
* Neuroeconomics
* Political economy
* Socioeconomics
* Transport economics


* Behavior analysis
* Biopsychology
* Cognitive psychology
* Clinical psychology
* Cultural psychology
* Developmental psychology
* Educational psychology
* Evolutionary psychology
* Experimental psychology
* Forensic psychology
* Health psychology
* Humanistic psychology
* Industrial and organizational psychology
* Neuropsychology
* Personality psychology
* Psychometrics
* Psychology of religion
* Psychophysics
* Sensation and perception psychology


* Cartography
* Human geography
      o Critical geography
      o Cultural geography
      o Feminist geography
      o Economic geography
      o Development geography
      o Historical geography
      o Time geography
      o Political geography & geopolitics
      o Marxist geography
      o Military geography
      o Strategic geography
      o Population geography
      o Social geography
      o Behavioral geography
      o Children's geographies
      o Health geography
      o Tourism geography
      o Urban geography
* Environmental geography
* Physical geography
      o Biogeography
      o Climatology
      o Palaeoclimatology
      o Coastal geography
      o Geomorphology
      o Geodesy
      o Hydrology/Hydrography
      o Glaciology
      o Limnology
      o Oceanography
      o Pedology
      o Landscape ecology
      o Palaeogeography
* Regional geography


* Epistemology
* Ethics
* Logic
* Philosophy of mind
* Philosophy of science

Political science

* Comparative politics
* Game theory
* Geopolitics and political geography
* Ideology
* Law
* National systems
* Political economy
* Political psychology, bureaucratic, administrative and judicial behaviour
* Psephology (voting systems and electoral behaviour)
* Public administration
      o Public policy
      o Local government studies
* Security Studies
* Strategic Studies
* Supranational and intergovernmental politics
      o Political science of religion
      o Power in international relations
      o Cross-national political analysis
      o Globalization studies
      o Political development
      o International relations theory
      o Foreign policy analysis


* Criminology
* Demography


* Animal husbandry
* Aquaculture
* Agriculture
* Food science
* Forestry
* Horticulture


* Architectural engineering
* Architecture
* Building science

Cognitive sciences

* Cognitive neuroscience
* Cognitive psychology
* Neuropsychology
* Psycholinguistics



* Aeronautical engineering
* Aerospace engineering
* Agricultural engineering
* Agricultural science
* Biomedical engineering
* Bioengineering
* Chemical engineering
* Civil engineering
* Computer engineering
* Control engineering
* Electrical engineering
* Industrial engineering
* Language engineering
* Marine engineering
* Mechanical engineering
* Mining engineering
* Nuclear engineering
* Polymer engineering
* Software engineering
* Systems engineering

Health sciences

* Conservation medicine
* Dentistry
* Optometry
* Medicine
      o Anatomy
      o Dermatology
      o Gynecology
      o Immunology
      o Internal medicine
      o Neurology
      o Ophthalmology
      o Pathology
      o Pathophysiology
      o Pediatrics
      o Pharmacology
      o Physiology
      o Psychiatry
      o Radiology
      o Toxicology
      o Urology
* Nutrition
* Nursing
* Physical therapy
* Veterinary medicine


Military Science

* Military Organisation
* Military Education and Training
* Military History
* Military Engineering
* Military Strategy and Tactics
Answer #16

Yes, I love science, I find it very interesting, that’s why I took up Biology, as my college major. When you like to discover, experiment, and so on, this subject will be enjoyable for you.

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