What's this zit thing on the outside of my vagina?

I have this thing that looks like a zit with a whitehead on the outside of my vagina. Can anyone help me out what it is? I’ve never done anything sexual before so I dont know what it could be. The only thing that has happened is a boy put his finger in me for a couple seconds by accident [long story] about 3 or so weeks ago. I havent noticed it till tonight.

Answer #1

I have the same problem sometimes and they usually go away. I have been tested for STD’s and all tests came up negative, but now my boyfriend has two bumps on his penis and they have turned into sores. I am not sure what to do either but I will say that we have both been tested and they keep telling us that we are clean. He does not sleep around, I know that for a fact. It is very strange and it bothers both of us. Mine usually go away though. I would like an answer as well.

Answer #2

Sounds like a pimple. You can talk to an ob-gyn if it does not go away on its own.

Answer #3

Ah thanks a bunch guys :)

Answer #4

Hi Haluyo… Its probably nothing to worry about. Hair follicles can cause whiteheads. However, the hands carry bacteria, if he fingered you, the bump may be a result of a little harmless skin-to-skin bacteria, but is unlikely since that occured 3 weeks ago.

Bumps are likey to occur on areas of body where hair grows.

Answer #5

Clearly a STD, Omniflorescent Tublascuris is characterized by white, pimple-like bumps on the vaginal and less oftenly, the penis regions of women and men respectively. While it is harmless, conditions do vary to some extent with the worst recorded incident involving necrosis in regoins of the vagina and inner thighs. Whichever doctor you’re visiting is not familiar with this disease, and rightly so; it is quite rare considering it is a Sexually Transmitted Disease. You should bring this up next time you visit your doctor or other health center and ask for specific testing. Hope this helped!

Answer #6

You can get pimples in the vaginal area; it is called a sebacceous cyst. It follows the same kind of course as a facial sebacceous cyst (pimple), though it’s possible to get them infected due to the abundance of bacteria in the area. Use hot, moist compresses on it which brings the pus to the surface and it will eventuall drain on its own (the best course to follow) or with minimal pressure. Once it has drained, use an antibiotic ointment on it a couple of times a day. You can get these over-the-counter very inexpensively: Neosporin, Polysporin or generic brands of triple antibiotic ointment.

Answer #7

Yes, you can get pimples in the vaginal area; it is called a sebacceous cyst. It follows the same kind of course as a facial sebacceous cyst (pimple), though it’s possible to get them infected due to the abundance of bacteria in the area. Use hot, moist compresses on it which brings the pus to the surface and it will eventuall drain on its own (the best course to follow) or with minimal pressure. Once it has drained, use an antibiotic ointment on it a couple of times a day. You can get these over-the-counter very inexpensively: Neosporin, Polysporin or generic brands of triple antibiotic ointment.

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