0k s0 I am putting a writing p0rti0fli0 t0gether but it is 0nly p0ems… I have 6 p0ems if you can just rate them each 0n a 1-5 scale 1- Terribble 2- Bad 3- Average/0kay 4- Great 5- Fantasitic 0k s0 p0em 0ne is ab0ut… 1.) Silenced s0mething t0 be said, n0thing is ever let 0ut, always been hushed.

2.) If I Were… If I were blind,

I w0uld see 0nly when y0u were cl0se

If I were deaf, I w0uld 0nly hear y0ur v0ice

If I never smiled,

I w0uld wear the biggest smile when I see y0ur face

If my heart were t0 break,

y0u w0uld be the 0nly pers0n t0 repair it

If I were dying,

y0u w0uld be the reas0n I w0uld survive

If I were t0 kn0w 0nly 0ne thing,

I w0uld kn0w s0mething ab0ut y0u

If I were t0 write a b00k,

It w0uld be all ab0ut y0u

If I were t0 bec0me sleeping beauty,

y0ur kiss w0uld be the 0ne thing t0 wake me up

If I were a princess,

y0u w0uld be my night in shinning arm0r riding away with me 0n the white h0rse

If I were t0 swim,

I w0uld swim in y0ur tears

If I were t0 dance,

I w0uld dance with y0u

If I were a mute,

My w0rds w0uld escape f0r y0u 0nly

If I were t0 be depressed,

y0ur smile w0uld brighten my life

If I were a wife,

Y0u w0uld be the perfect dream husband

If I were t0 die,

I w0uld die f0r y0u

IF I were dead,

I w0uld h0pe y0u the best life.

3.) Mirr0r Image In the mirr0r I see, the girl I wish t0 be, but I cant rec0ngize her, because I think It is n0t me, And there is my key.

My key t0 wh0 I want t0 be, I take the key and 0pen the mirr0r, there I am by the sea, the unrec0ngizeable girl is me, walk t0 the pier,

There he is, with his arms wide 0pen, I run t0 him but s0me0ne beats me there, anger rushes int0 my b0dy, But then I feel a tap 0n the back, there he is behind me, the 0ther girl has anger in her, eys as if she was ready t0 attack, him and I hug as I cl0se my eyes.

I 0pen them and I see me the real me starring int0 a blank mirr0r, And I realize that, The girl with anger in her eyes is the real me, the 0ne wh0 gets her dreams crushed, heart br0ken, and lets every0ne walk 0n her, I am in the mirr0r the 0ne I wish t0 be, the 0ne wh0 gets the guy when she wants t0, but n0thing m0re 0utside the mirr0r. but if I c0uld always see the key…

4.) The Fl0wer

water the fl0wer, and the fl0wer gr0w’s str0ng, but will it bl0ss0m?

(h0pe you can “read between the line’s” 0n that 0ne…m0st 0f my p0ems mean s0mething 0ther then what they say)

5.) 0ne Hell 0f a Ride

I feel like I keep spinning, spinning ar0und and ar0und, like I am at an ameusement park and I keep riding 0n the tea-cups, I can’t get 0ff, but I am the 0nly 0ne 0n.

Every 0nce in awhile s0me0ne else gets 0n, s0metimes theyre a plus t0 life, but 0thers are just here t0 hurt me, spinning, spinning, I scream but n0 0ne lets me 0ff, “Help get me 0ff please!”

Always been nice but, the nice 0ne always c0mes in behind every0ne else, its a sad fact, spinning, spinning, s0me 0ne st0p this crazy ride! s0me 0ne new gets 0n the ride.

I stand back, h0w w0uld I kn0w if this pers0n is a plus 0r n0t, I’m n0t g0ing t0 try and find 0ut, this ride is making me cauti0us, spinning, spinning, screaming as l0ud as I can, but, I can’t even hear myself. (if you can relate please add that in your answer)

6.) Girls

nice p0pular girls, have fake friends, and real enemies.

mean unp0pular girls, have real friends, and fake enemies.

(I say this because, nice p0pular girls have fake friends because every0ne just wants t0 be ar0und her because she is p0pular but real enemies because they all want t0 be here and are jeal0us… n0w mean unp0pular girls have real friends because they are unp0pular and pe0ple that are unp0pular will hang 0ut with her, and fake enemies because pe0ple pretend t0 hate her because shes mean)

thank you s0 much f0r your time!!!

Answer #1
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 3
  6. 3
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