Would you still be with your spouse if they said this to u? =[

K so I have a boyfriend, were long distant at the moment.. I get nervous sometimes, so I text him and say that I miss him or what hes doing lol So today hes like “im busy call you later” hours passed and I was gonna sleep and I texted him again, he said “text you later’ I said “yea sure” he said “wow shut up, I will damn calm down” and he told me to step up my game and be a better girlfriend and I should trust him.

I don’t know I guess hes right but this is the first time he threatened to break up with me. Were long distant just for a lil bit, but weve been going out for years now.

Omg any opinions will help me, just dont give me anything about the long distance part cause trust me, I know what your thinking… I don’t know lol

Just really depressed now andi know he wouldnt want to leave me cause I saved him from suicide and vice versa.

What to dooo =[

Answer #1

tell hiim that you’re sorry

Answer #2

He sounds extremely defensive and I do think you should be worried, if he wasn’t doing anything wrong he wouldn’t get that attitude about it. I’d most likely leave, you were just trying to talk to him and he freaked, clearly something is going on.

Answer #3

ask him next time he texts you or calls you ask him are you really gonna leave me if this so happens to happen again? and if he says maybe then you do whats right and say… then its over and if he says well you know I would never do that to my baby then you say ya right its still over! I hope this helps

Answer #4

I was like a girl like that once.

She said that I was the best thing to ever happen to her and that if I left her she’d kill herself. Just like announcing you’re gay, or bi, or whatever, young people are under the impression that ANY attention is acceptable, whether it’s good attention or bad attention. This whole “I’m so gonna kill myself if you leave!!!” bs, yeah don’t worry about it.

When this girl told me she was going to kill herself, I told her good. If she was going to kill herself over something so trivial as a teenage breakup then she will have no use to the world when she gets older, assuming she stayed the same.

We were serious at the time, so after a few years passed I checked up on her via friends and such.

She’s married, with a baby boy, and happy.

And you know what…a year ago (usually people ask a question here, get an answer then leave) you said he’d kill himself if you left him. It’s hard but…honestly, how old are you both now? If your profile is right, you’re 18. I’ll assume he’s 18, too.

When will that ever end? This whole ultimatum bull, “I’ll kill myself”, I mean. What if he does it when you’re 22? 25? 30? 40? Are you going to stay with him your entire life out of pity that he’ll kill himself? No, you won’t, because you’re stronger than that.

Sorry, I get into rants sometimes. Point being; lets say he won’t kill himself. You get to move on, and he’s alright. But, lets say he does kill himself. That doesn’t make you responsible, that makes him an arrogant @ss.

You need to break up with him. Not just because of how he’s acting now, but because of the past.

My 2 cents.

Answer #5

The first thing I see here is he’s not giving you the time of day and won’t explain. That is an indication he’s hiding something. Why would he do that if he loves you. Unless there is something he is hiding. He’s being critical, and that is definitely an indication of with holding something.

When you do get a hold of him and communicate watch the indicators. Does he he-haw around. Does he seem to look for answers. Will get mad. All these are an indication of with holding something he doesn’t want to tell you. Get out of him.

No person is worth the effort to be with if they don’t have the same respect or feels you do. It happened to me and I soon realized it after many years of marriage. A relationship has to be mutual and 100% on both parts.

Answer #6

even if this question was asked over a year ago, i still love the advice u’ve just given :) we broke up now and we’re friends but now that i look back on it, it was best for the both of us. thank you for ur reply :)

Answer #7

Good. Remember for every door that closes and window opens. Which for every adversity there is an equal or better equivalent. Life’s like that. Don’t search for it, that stops it, just let it come to you. When it does it will be the best, and you’ll be glad you waited.

In the mean time improve youself, work on the things you need to be you. When you find the true you the guy who choose you will be glad he found you.

Answer #8

so trueeee. im sick of trying for nothing… like today? it was his birthday and wat wuld have been our 3 year anniversary….as a friend…i wanted to play him a song on the guitar.. i even practiced everyday for a straight month for this day….i was going to play happy birthday and another song called “flames” by Vast….and i thught it wuld be a cute present…but he’s been ignoring me for the past 2 weeks and only responds to my texts with one word answers…it proved to me he wasn’t interested nor did he care about me.. so i said “screw this i’m not playing anything” so now im just moving on from him… i think i need some time off to myself.. im sick of chasing after people u know??? i did this all my life….im just scared of losing people i love…my father left, my sister left and my family is falling apart….i’m trying to do everything i can to make people happy and in the end, im forgetting about my own happiness…..i love ur advice tho, it seems to always brighten up my day :) thank you!

Answer #9

If I’m right you’re getting all STRESSED OUT over this, RIGHT! Losses after losses. Can’t help but build stress.

You know a person can’t keep going on like this it will eventually lead to something drastic. Stress is the number 1 killer in the world. The US has about 99% of it. It’s what a person does to handle it. Like drugs, alcohol, medication and so on. Don’t ever get to anyone of those. There is a way to handle it, I have been for 34 years and I have no stress, to speak of. When something comes up that bothers me I handle it.

It all comes from the mind. It is what is in your mind, a dislike, you don’t remember putting there or someone putting there, so when re-stimulated acts against you and makes you feel bad. Until you find it and see the truth of it it will stay with you until handled. Good things in your mind when re-stimulated makes you feel good. Like love. Icecream. Lolly Pops. Marshmallows in hot chocolate on a cold winter day.

Want to know my secrete?

Answer #10

yes yes please continue

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