How do I work my Mr. Coffee espresso maker?

i know everyone is going to ask read the instructions that came in the box, thing is it was given to me by a friend used no instruction. i have looked up the instruction which kinda helped but it made it seem more complicated than it really should be. can some simplify how to work it lol


Answer #1

you read the manual o:

Answer #2

did you read the description, you apparently didn’t it clearly states i do not have them it was given to me from a friend used and they didn’t have the instructions. it also states i did look it up and i wanted it simplified down by someone who has it and knows how it works.

p.s it pays to read the description b4 answering a question o:

Answer #3

Yeah but some people like me dont like reading manuals hahaha!!!!!!!!

Answer #4

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. then i dunno. uhh. look it up. sorry. D: im a lazy person & often to a half ass job at answering questions. fooogive me. Dx

Answer #5

it alright, i would just suggest reading the descriptions that way theirs no misunderstanding=) and i did read it lol i’m not that lazy i guess i don’t understand it i was hoping someone had one and could tell me how to lol

Answer #6

i read the manual online since i didn’t have one, and it made it sound so much more complicated! it like jeeze i almost need a video demonstration to go along with the manual so i actually can understand it.

Answer #7


Answer #8

What make and model is it? That would help you to find the actual instructions in video format … I’ve turned up several YouTube videos, but without knowing which appliance you have, it’s hard to pick one out of the list:

Answer #9

thank you so much lol i didn’t even think about that like the first video is the one i have or very similar. excellent =)

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