Do women also shake the gas nozzle after pumping gas, or is that a guy thing?

Answer #1

I do it too, I don’t like it dripping or anything.

Answer #2

I shake it cuz u gotta get every last drop, gas isn’t cheap

Answer #3

Very true, I guess I am going to have to watch more, I just don’t want to get gas on my paint.

Answer #4


Answer #5

I do it! Wouldn’t want to miss out on the last few drops, with gas prices skyrocketing everyday!

Answer #6

I do as well.

Answer #7

I agree with that

Answer #8

I do, I dont want it to drip on my feet (given that they’re usually in sandals it’s not pleasant).

Answer #9

I do it all the time, I actually saw my dad doing it alot so I copied & plus I shake it so more gas comes out haha

Answer #10

No women forget it in the gas tank and drive off. Just kidding but there is a picture of it online.

Answer #11

lol…this is a funny question…I’ve actually never pumped gas.

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