Can my wisdom tooth pain be related to me being pregnant?

it just started hurting. its so annoying. any suggestions that will help?

Answer #1

It’s surprising how much pregnancy can affect a body … I would say it’s probable, but you should bring it up to the attention of your dentist in case it’s actually a problem with your wisdom tooth that just started to develop.

Answer #2

I will…. It will be a couple weeks though before i can go :/ insurance is still in process. I will just have to get some tooth pain meds lol

Answer #3

I don’t know about the pain part….But when your pregnant, it does cause your body to drain and transfer calcium. Teeth do loose alot of calcium and get affected by it. Incidently, they say carrying a baby girl will drain more calcium from the mother then a boy.

Answer #4

Its not really my tooth its the gums around it

Answer #5

Agh doc said being pregnant swells ur gums and wisdom teeth are surrounded by them so ya…. blame it on the pregnancy. lol

Answer #6

no thats normal for every one mine hurting really bad to but it will stop sooner or later:)

Answer #7

mine are coming through and im not pregnaunt but it still hurts now and again , its proberly the tooth cutting through the gum but as mentioned above pregnauncy could well be apart of it.

Answer #8

They are already in…. they have been in for a couple years. it may be infected cuz its getting worse. will have to go in

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