Will you have a normal human body at heaven?

I grew up as a catholic my whole life but it seems so silly now. Like what if you die a very old man. What body will you have? What clothes will you wear? Heaven sounds so boring. A mean what will you do there? Pray 24/7? Walk around? Sit around all day looking at God? I mean after awhile I would want to do something else.

Answer #1

lol I used to question the exact same thing with the exact same attitude X)

well the bible speaks that heaven, is actually going to be on earth again, except with no death.

first will be the rapture, then the antichrist (not satan) wil be released for 7 years of doom, I think which then would be followed by a war. somewhere after the anitchrist is released, somewhere in between, satan is released for the first time to see if anybody to drag with him any nonbelievers to hell. and then satan is thrown into the pit of sulfur (not hell).

after all that stuff, its judgement day. then humans will live on earth again for 1000 years, which might not be 1000 human years, keep that in mind.

after this, satan will be released from the pit of sulfur, to see if humans will deny God and follow satans way again. those who switch over to satans side will be thrown into the dimension of hell, along with satan (finally). those who are loyal, will then finally live for eternity, loyal for sure, forever.

lol that sounds boring to you? its like an epic movie.

besides, heaven is a place of no pain, just extreme happiness. you gotta be doing something fun to be happy. you’ll be walking this time side by side with God. see him, hear him, play soccer I dont know lol. point is you can interact.

the relationship you accumulate on earth, will be continued after judgement day. if you dont accumulate a personal relationship with God now on earth, there really isnt nothing to continue off now is there?

Answer #2

the body for a beliver in Christ will be like His phillipians 3:21 and it will be sinless and eternal 1 cor 15:35-50 .

Answer #3

Another problem with the 33 year old at heaven age for all men. What if your 10 year old son dies and he is saved. Then you go to heaven and what punishment!!! Your son now is 33.

Answer #4

Where is the evidence that you are going to be 33 or 24!!!. I think most people that believe this to be true were raised to believe it and have never really put much thought into it.

You might have been exposed to a lifetime of information from the believer side of the equation and it will make you feel afraid to not believe it.

Answer #5

Woahhh. I Also Have This Question and the awnsers confuse me!

Answer #6

That is epic. That has a Lord of The Rings Vibe to it. Thanks for that. I thought like you would die and then see some light or something and get up and you are on this land and people are walking around and waterfalls and animals etc. But then what? Stand there? What if I don’t like the people that are there? What I am saying is that a lot of people imagine heaven as a place that you go to. And when somebody said the word God, what picture comes to your mind, to me it has always been of some old guy with long white hair and wearing a white robe. And when somebody says the word angels you think of what angels normaly look like in pictures. And when somebody says the Devil, well it has always look like the devil to me, you know the red guy with horns and a tail. But all of that is human imagination and paintings and movies.

Answer #7

No, your bodys only perpuse is to hold your soul. I believe in recarnation, but we take turns. First your someones guide or your a lot of peoples guides if you didnt make a deal with a certin person or your time of recanation is over, then its your turn to go back ex. And I also believe you dont always come back as a person. One reason I wont eat meat, but whatever. As for what we look like. I have no idea. Maybe we can pick a form? And I think you can go whereever. Its not just abunch of clouds.

Answer #8

Jesus was 33 when he died on the cross so because of that when we get to heaven we’ll all be 33 years old like him.

sorry buddy I just dont agree to that since there is no evidence concerning that in the bible.

but I would by an educative guess, assume that we would be the same age that Adam was when he was created in his perfect body/soul form.

why? well since thats the age God started humans off with, when humans were perfect. and understanding that were going to live with the same standards as Adam, as perfection, I would conclude we would recieve the same treatment.

thats the age I suppose God thought would be best (would he change his mind?). it would possibly be the peak of human physical health. and it was an age where atleast God gave Adam a partner, so im guessing by that then he must have already hit puberty, and possibly capable of reproduction.

it might be around the 30’s, who knows, but that is a human calculation of time, a calculation that God does not care for, since it is man made.

also, keep in mind that Adams body aged differently then ours. when he was 300 years old, he probably looked like someone in their 20s for us. Adam lived close to a 1000 years.

so, understanding that the Lord made man and woman at an age He wanted and is perfect, where humans lived hundreds of years, lol, we’ll never know.

all we can know is that its an age where we will be at the peak of our physical health, endurance, strength.

oh and imunderurbed

everything we THINK God, angels, and satan look like, is just our imagination.

we can conclude that God looks similar to us humans, since it is quoted that we are made in Gods image (but then again I understand that we complete Gods image when we are one with a partner…)

I think also angels are made in His image, dont know for sure. and well, satan, looks just like an angel, since he is one.

Answer #9


Arachind, to answer you question and the other one. when you die your soul will be 33 for a man and 24 for a women because a man is at his, well… peak (sort of) at that age and the same goes for the women. No matter what age you are when you die. And when you die your soul(hopefully) will go to heaven and you body will be on earth until the last jugement( the first from God when we die and the last at the end of the world) where it will be united with you soul. Now the question about infants. If the baby was baptized it will go straight to heaven, there it will become either 24 or 33. However all of the embryos( CHILDREN) that are miscarried or aborted and are not baptized but are not sinful they go to limbo. They will never see God that is why when babies are aborted it is so horrible. Not just the incredible pain and suffering the little innocent angel has to go through. but, the mear fact that he or she will never see God!

…oh my God…


that is completely off!


what the hell is that??

please. do inform EVERYBODY …WHERE this is in the bible.

Answer #10

…probably not… since the babies and embryos lack the experience and/or intelligence to even understand what those concepts are… they can’t even TALK.

Can you imagine a person in their 30s just stumbling around Heaven, babbling, soiling themselves, and crying?

Answer #11

…probably not… since the babies and embryos lack the experience and/or intelligence to even understand what those concepts are…

Can you imagine a person in their 30s just stumbling around Heaven, soiling themselves and crying?

Answer #12

Hmm. So all those people that died as children, babies, or even embryos will have the body of a 33 year old? Do you think they’ll know how to use them? Mightn’t they be a bit POed about missing out on their entire childhood and adolescence?

Answer #13
  1. 33 cause that’s how old Jesus was/is

  2. there would be more jobs than taking care of the animals

  3. I don’t know where exactly in the bible but back then there were preachers who would have preminitions (sent by God) and they wrote everything they saw/heard

Answer #14

Take care of animals??? I hate that. What if I want to just not work. What evidence do you have of being 33 years old. So if you are a child and die, then you will be 33? Common now.

Answer #15

Honestly, do you really think that ANYONE here would know? No one even knows whether heaven exists, so how can they know what it is like to be in heaven?

Answer #16

for the body part. if you die here on earth as an old man/woman in heaven you’ll look young again

What proof do you have?

don’t worry wer’e not going to just walk around/look at God and be bored always. no what we will be doing are different jobs. like for example: take care of animals

Once again how do you know?

Answer #17

actually here’s how it’ll go. Jesus was 33 when he died on the cross so because of that when we get to heaven we’ll all be 33 years old like him.

for the body part. if you die here on earth as an old man/woman in heaven you’ll look young again

what will we do? don’t worry wer’e not going to just walk around/look at God and be bored always. no what we will be doing are different jobs. like for example: take care of animals

and athleta4life is right about the part about heaven being here on earth again. after the tribulation everybody is going to come back here to earth and we are going to ‘set things up’ for the heaven (where God is) and make things better and start over again

Answer #18

and the comment made by captainassassin is bullsht*

Please, fill us in. What bodies do infants get?

Answer #19

Maybe God is on Funadvice? I dunno.

Answer #20

one of my teachers said ull be a ghost (sorta like one atleast)and wear one gown

Answer #21

Arachind, to answer you question and the other one. when you die your soul will be 33 for a man and 24 for a women because a man is at his, well… peak (sort of) at that age and the same goes for the women. No matter what age you are when you die. And when you die your soul(hopefully) will go to heaven and you body will be on earth until the last jugement( the first from God when we die and the last at the end of the world) where it will be united with you soul. Now the question about infants. If the baby was baptized it will go straight to heaven, there it will become either 24 or 33. However all of the embryos( CHILDREN) that are miscarried or aborted and are not baptized but are not sinful they go to limbo. They will never see God that is why when babies are aborted it is so horrible. Not just the incredible pain and suffering the little innocent angel has to go through. but, the mear fact that he or she will never see God!

Answer #22

well, god gave us all a second chance by him dyin on the cross.

Right. By sacrificing himself to himself, he gave himself the option to not torture us forever. Very good of him.

so what can god do more???!!!

Not threaten to torture us eternally in the first place? Just a thought.

they brought that upon themselves. you see??

That’s the reasoning of a kidnapper who doesn’t get their payoff.

Answer #23

hey! =] ok I have heard that a lot too, that we all (almost) know that when God died on the cross he was 33. < thats correct. I’ve also heard a lot that when we die we will be 33. now, that still even the great belivers confuse us. your right, if someones 10 they turn 33?? what bout the teenage years, those are awesome years! hahah

so, we dont know. this is MY OWN prediction. that whos 10 will be 10 whos 54 will decrease to 33. im not sure if its true though, I think it that way!

now, it is known that when you hear about god and your not very excited… that you dont know who he is. period. okay, so all you know is hes a male, died on the cross, 33, sits in heaven.. I mean those are the basics of what peopel know! but theres sooo much moree, trust me. and if you are excited when you hear about god that means you know him. you know the great things he has dont for you and stuff.

NO ONE KNOWS how God looks like or how heaven looks like or hell. there alll human imaginations, your right! becasuse of God wanted you to know he;d tell you, but he is keeping it a surprise. (for heaven) and the reason why if you look in the bible you will not find descriptions of hell ( like very detailed) becaus eit is known to be your worst nightmare. THE WORST thing ever. and god doesnt want to put fear into peoples lves makin them worry and dream of how hell is. so yeah you know?

I used to think that, I mean I was never a reallly big fan of prayer or anythin like that. and I thought thats all we do. so I got bored, honestly. but its not all. god wont juss let you sit or stnad bowing to him or watver .. lol. he wont. WE ALL will pray together. even God will hold our very own hands united with us praying. and juss realizing how great he is and … =] you know? plus, there will be jobs. according to what you do here on earth ( another subject dont wanna staart lol) examples= take care of animals, sing, play instrument, read stories to kids, preach, send messages AND SOOO MUCH MORE!

I lost my train of thoughts now hahahah but do you get it?? I know I mixed up many subjects from here to there lol.. hope it helped thou! :)

Jesus told us this fact about Heaven,No eye has seen no ear has heard,nor has it entered into the herat of man what God has prepared for those who love Him This fact alone should put an end to human speculation about a paradise we cannot begin to imagine,but people will still insist on trying to fathom it with finite minds. One thing we can say though is that we were made to be dynamic in nature and we would quickly get bored with little to do,so it is only logical that in Heaven we will not be simply passive but will have endless variety as Jesus hinted at. In other words Heaven will not be all kneeling and praising, as most tend to think, God has an infinite mind that will provide infinite joy and fulfillment God bless.

Answer #24

So he’s happy to have you tortured for all eternity, but he wouldn’t want you to worry about it ahead of time. That’s so lovely and kind and caring of him!

well, god gave us all a second chance by him dyin on the cross. so, we have the option between life or death. light or dark. love or hate. peace or war… and some people will choose not to listen. so what can god do more???!!! he will never force a person so its their decision. they brought that upon themselves. you see??

Answer #25

* if you look in the bible you will not find descriptions of hell ( like very detailed) becaus eit is known to be your worst nightmare. THE WORST thing ever. and god doesnt want to put fear into peoples lves makin them worry and dream of how hell is. so yeah you know?

So he’s happy to have you tortured for all eternity, but he wouldn’t want you to worry about it ahead of time. That’s so lovely and kind and caring of him!

Answer #26

God made every thing we can see,hear ,feel,imagine…Do you really think that he will limit us on our body and our age???What use would the human body be in heaven?We won’t have to eat,drink,sleep…why fixate on your current limits

Answer #27

Death is the beginning of one’s journey to the afterlife. Death occurs when one’s soul leaves the body, it’s a painful experience! God said: «And the pangs of death will come in truth: this is what you have been avoiding!” Quran(50, 19) A day will come when all creation from the beginning of time till the end of time will be resurrected (People will be resurrected into their original physical bodies : the same body and soul before death). God said: “As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. That is a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it.” Quran (21,104) The prophet Mohamed described what will happen, he said “you will be gathered, barefooted, naked and uncircumcised”. The prophet said “On the Day of Resurrection, God will ask the one whose punishment in the Fire is lightest, ‘If you had whatsoever you wanted on earth, would you give it to save yourself?’ He will say, ‘Yes.’ God will say, ‘I wanted less than that from you when you were still in the loins of Adam, I asked you not to associate anything in worship with Me, but you insisted on associating others in worship with Me.’” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari) For righteous people, the prophet said that a caller will call out in paradise when people enter it :“Indeed may you be healthy and never be sick again, may you live and never die again, may you be young and never grow feeble again, may you enjoy, and never feel sorrow and regret again.” (Saheeh Muslim)

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