Will stretching help?

Im going to have sex for the first time.. And of course… Like everyone else.. I dont want it to hurt.. Does stretching help?..

Answer #1

no, stretching will only make you more flexible theres a chance it cou;ls hurt s you need to make sure your both 100% relaxed and comfortable if you tense up it will hurt more, so relax

Answer #2

For most girls it hurts the first time. If you are willing to have sex, then you should be able to take whatever comes with it. If your worried about pain, then maybe you shouldnt be doing it. Giving birth is painful, but do women stop getting pregnant?

Answer #3

ok chisler isn’t 100% right…if your muscles have been worked enough they will be used (somewhat) for when you have sex…there are certain stretches that work those muscles and also getting finered or w/e will help also. some girls dont feel pain when having sex and some do.

Answer #4

No. no matter what you do hun, its going to hurt. I’m sorry but your just either not going to have sex or hurt. You might even bleed a little, but don’t worry about that. Its natral. If you think this is gunna hurt, my mom said child birth is much much worse. Use a condom and be safe!

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