Why would you hold someone's hand who isn't your significant other

What does it mean when a guy that has a girlfriend held your hand, and tried to kiss you?

Answer #1

he sounds like an idiot and hes probably a cheater, who just wants to get into your pants he definantly sounds like he doesnt have any respect for his girlfreind or her feelings so dont expect him to respect you either dont get involved with this guy, dont hold his hand and if he does it again tell him he has a girlfreind, and that hes disrespacting her most of all though, just dont get involved with this guy

Answer #2

Hes a player!

Answer #3

C H E A T I and G on his g/f and on you infront of your @@.

Answer #4

it means “*

Answer #5

It means the guy cannot be trusted…

What if you were his girlfriend…and you saw that, how would you feel?

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