Why would a loving God ...

Why would a loving God: Answer a mans prayer to obtain a better job, better income and better life, to live an above average life WHEN… So many people pray for relieve and a better life in Ethiopia and other country’s which they dont get???

Answer #1

I think some people didnt get the barbie doll set they wanted for christmas. geeze , athiests…sigh.

Answer #2

in this day an age you av to makur own luck weva you liv in us,uk, eteopia or w/e becuase prayin aint gona mak them av a better lif or god is a very one sided person?

Answer #3

G-d has also given us free will, he can not directly interfear with our free will once he has given it to us.

Answer #4

Out of al those people that pray which ones actually get what they pray for? I dare say most people do not get what they pray for leading me to believe that God is not actually real.

Answer #5

Why does he grant anything? How many of us truly deserve anything?

That’s love there.

I don’t know why some people are getting worse than others, but hey I’m not God. Must be something.

Answer #6

His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts - he is infinite, we are finite in knowledge and ability to comprehend - so there’s much we can’t know until we get to Heaven or kneel before Him Judgement Day - having the much ‘bigger picture’ and knowing what is best or better, and having recieved Salvation, my faith, hope, trust, is in God.

Answer #7

Close minded people don’t listen and I don’t bother anymore.

Answer #8

Why would a loving God: Answer a mans prayer to obtain a better job, better income and better life, to live an above average life WHEN… So many people pray for relieve and a better life in Ethiopia and other country’s which they dont get???

God does what is right for us. But man expects God to do for him what he thinks is right. You may thing that a a better job is what you need or a better life, but God may not think so. That is why the Bible say that His ways are not our ways. So it is wrong to come to a conclusion about God’s love just because He does not answer man’s prayer the way he wants it.

Theological determinism is the thesis that there is a God who determines all that humans will do, either by knowing their actions in advance, via some form of omniscience or by…be the place for him and he really really wanted to see what it feels like to struggle like that for the rest of his natural life?

Well in this case you have wrong information. God does not predetermine what people do or where they are born. The idea is wrong and hence the belief based on the idea is also wrong. God just knows what each person does or is going to do. He is not the one deciding what they do nor is He responsible for their action. God is a loving God.

Was your god loving his creatures uniquely when that East-African mother was gang-raped in front of her children while she was screaming for his intervention?! Did he show love when he was not there when that American college-teacher was shot through the head in front of her students while she was praying for his intervention?!

You don’t understand God’s ways and you are condemning what you do not fully know. You need to understand that God has given us free will. He respects our freedom and does not do anything against our choices. Now taking the case of the individuals who were victims, we do not know their choices. Did they choose to submit their life to the Lord? Had they handed over the security of their life into the caring hands of God? If they had then God would protect them and keep them safe from any harm. If they had not done it then you can not hold God responsible for the disaster that happens to them. God is a Loving God.

Answer #9

Reverendthe truth is if you don’t wan’t the children to starve stop making them!!!*

Ya Rev, understand what your saying, but please go and tell that to the millions out there who dont and are most likely also Catholics, or they just cant figure, or they reason like sooo many xtians out there…if they expect another baby, they dont worry because god will provide … true??? Otherwise some one must shoot a prayer to god, to give them more brain power, to understand YOU DONT MAKE BABY’S UNLESS YOU CAN PROVIDE FOR THEM…

Answer #10

jane_of_the_jungle You game me to examples and I just tried explaining to you why the intervention was not there. But now in your reply you are generelising. The point is that with a few cases here and there you can not make a judgment on God which you so easily do.

…and… now you’ve finally lost ALL credibility… you’re just another deranged fanatic.

God Bless you.

There are plenty of good Christian people, who’ve STILL suffered or been harmed in their lives. Just as there are good NON-Christian people, who HAVEN’T suffered or been harmed in their lives.

We were talking about God’s love. We were talking about did God love the two people who suffered. I was trying to show that God’s not intervening does not show His lack of love. I did not say Christians will not suffer. They do. God allows people who believe in Him to suffer for various reasons. You one were to show that many people have suffered therefore it shows that God does not Love us, I can show you hundreds of people who were miraculously saved from various dangers and say that God loves us.

Answer #11

Well God grants us what he does withing the perimeters of our social situation as well. I pray to win the lottery and it hasn’t happened. So because Ethiopians live in such an underdeveloped country the good things that have happened are because of other countries like us who are charitable and like to help them. They don’t have the means even just for farming and producing their own food. They don’t have water readily available for farming so this is a huge draw-back. God allows suffering for others to be moved and help the less fortunate. It is a way of life that will never go away unfortunately. Also they don’t practice abstinance or go for preventative measures of birth control. Therefore poverty, unfortunate conditions of the land, and the ignorance of birth control are the main reason they have such a problem. Remember God’s only son also suffered so why wouldn’t we also suffer?

Answer #12

There was a time on this earth when suffering and sorrow did not exist. When God first created man upon the earth, everything was perfect. There was no sickness, no pain, no sorrow of any kind. It was God’s plan for man to live in peace and harmony never having to experience sorrow. According to Genesis chapter three, it wasn’t until man chose the way of Satan, rather than the way of God, that sorrow entered the world. Man sins against God in Genesis 3:6-7, and God reveals to Adam and Eve the consequences of sin in Genesis 3:16-19. God told Adam and Eve that they would now experience SORROW and DEATH. Therefore, the suffering and sorrow that you and I face today is not the work of an unjust God; it’s the consequences of sin. We suffer because we are sinners. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” we suffer and die because of SIN.

You say, “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why am I a sinner?” We are all born with a sin nature. We inherited our fallen sin nature from Adam and Eve. Romans 5:12 says, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” We read in Romans 3:23 that ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory of God. Why do we suffer? We suffer because we are sinners by nature.

Perhaps you are thinking, “Well, what’s the point? What does God accomplish by allowing us to suffer?” Very simple: He’s trying to tell us something. By allowing people to suffer, God is showing us that SOMETHING IS WRONG. If everything were alright between man and God, then there would be no sorrow and death, because in the beginning there was none. God is showing you every day of your life that man has been SEPARATED from Him because of sin, and that man is destined to an eternity in Hell Fire unless he comes to God for help. The fact that God allows suffering and agony today proves that He will allow it in eternity as well.

God doesn’t ENJOY seeing anyone suffer, but He does ALLOW people to suffer for various reasons. If you’ve never received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, then God wants you to see your need to do so. Sometimes God has to allow tragedy to enter a life in order to get someone to look to Him for Salvation. As someone has said, “Some people won’t look up to God until He puts them on their back.” This is sad, but true. There are many people who would still be lost in their sins if God had not brought some tragedy into their life to get their attention.

Do you suppose the leper of Matthew 8:2 would have came to Jesus if he’d been in perfect health? What about the blind man of Luke 18:35? II Kings chapter five tells the story of Naman, the Syrian captain who had leprosy. Had this man not had leprosy, he would never have turned to God. The Bible is filled with cases where God reaches people through suffering. Nebuchadnezzar didn’t fear God until God humbled him by making his spend seven years of his life on his hands and knees like an animal (Dan. 4:30-37).

Sometimes He will even use the tragedy of one to bring OTHERS to Christ. Such is the case with Lazarus in John chapter eleven. Lazarus was very sick, but before he ever died Jesus said that his sickness was “for the glory of God” (Jn. 11:2-4). Later, in John 11:45, we read that “. . . . many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him.” We also read in John 12:11 that many believed on the Lord Jesus Christ BECAUSE OF LAZARUS. Had Lazarus not suffered and died, these people may never have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, God was in complete control. Jesus KNEW that Lazarus was sick, but He chose not to go and heal him (Jn. 11:6). He had a REASON for the sorrow and death in the family of Lazarus. No one suffers in vain. God always has a reason, and sometimes He is trying to show someone their need to receive the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes God sees the need to put us through some things for the purpose of making us stronger. Paul tells us in II Timothy 2:3 to, “. . . . endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” You know, many times a drill sergeant will put a soldier through some things just to make him tough, just to see how much he’s willing to take how dedicated he is. There may not seem to be any logical reason for the trouble that we often face, but God always has a reason. Sometimes He’s just trying to make us tougher. According to Galatians 5:22, a Spirit-filled Christian is supposed to be LONGSUFFERING. Are you longsuffering?

God will also use suffering to teach us patience. Romans 5:3 tells us that, “. . . . tribulation worketh patience. . . “ Remember Job? God allowed Satan to take Job’s oxen, his asses, his sheep, his camels, his servants, his children, and even his health. Yet, the Bible says, “. . . . In all this did not Job sin with his lips.” (Job 2:10) In the latter end God restored to Job TWICE as much as he originally had (Job 42:10).

The Lord Jesus Christ suffered for us all, that we might have eternal life. The curse of suffering and death entered this world because of sin, but we can escape the curse through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “. . . . I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Jn. 14:6) There is coming a day when all suffering will end for those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Revelation 21:4 says, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

Answer #13

The point is that with a few cases here and there you can not make a judgment on God which you so easily do.

Oh so it is a matter of choice, whos gonna be helped and who not??? I guess your a parent to? So if one of your children stand next to the road which he want to cross, you stand there, deciding IF or IF NOT you wanna help him??? If you dont help him, oooh well so be it, then he get run over and you couldnt help him!!! That is what your telling me about any gods in religion!

Face it Eternal life you cant reason this thing out, be realistic, there IS no one out there to help you, all people are responsible to fight for their own well being, if you dont, no one will!

I can show you hundreds of people who were miraculously saved from various dangers and say that God loves us.

I know that if these people only open their eyes, they would realize, if they didnt do atleast SOMETHING to help themselves, NOTHING would have happened any damn way! I would know cause im a x-xtian, luckily I opened my eyes from all the crap religions wanna push up peoples throats, cant tell me nothing!

Answer #14


You wrote that you “… can show you hundreds of people who were miraculously saved from various dangers and say that God loves us…”

I assume that there are several people who were miraculously cured from physical malfunctions amongst your hundreds of examples…

Can their cure be verified as the work of God? Any amputees amongst them perhaps?

Answer #15

God answers evryones prayers.he does it when the time is right.the lord want put you through something you cant handle.it takes time you have to wait on him.

Answer #16

Eternal Life - you asked me to post the info I’ve asked you to check out, I did so, for the second time now at “Will I ever feel gods presence”

Or are you ignoring it for a reason???

Answer #17

I was trying to show that God’s not intervening does not show His lack of love.

You ALSO said God would protect them from harm… make up your mind.

You one were to show that many people have suffered therefore it shows that God does not Love us, I can show you hundreds of people who were miraculously saved from various dangers and say that God loves us.

WRONG, I said BOTH… you STILL aren’t paying attention…

Answer #18

Well, everyone cant get everything they want. So what? Most of the time when a person is in a bad situation they run to God. Maybe they are in that situation to learn to appreciate God. He loves us all equally and uniquely as his children.

Answer #19

Ghee Thomas cant you read or dont ya watch TV,there Tv in your country? people are dying all ova da world of hunger, guess there prayers came true as well??? Talk sum sence and stop humming!

Answer #20

God answers evryones prayers.he does it when the time is right.the lord want put you through something you cant handle.it takes time you have to wait on him.

Answer #21

KyraSO moral of the story is God is not going to give you waht you want because you want it, he’ll give you waht you need. And he cannot “help” you. its not his job to…*

John 14:13-14: “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Obviously, this promise is false, when I were a Christian, they also made up excuse after excuse why promises were not fulfilled.

Now Kyra, is my bible wrong or did you misunderstood yours?

Answer #22

If they had then God would protect them and keep them safe from any harm.

…and… now you’ve finally lost ALL credibility… you’re just another deranged fanatic.

There are plenty of good Christian people, who’ve STILL suffered or been harmed in their lives. Just as there are good NON-Christian people, who HAVEN’T suffered or been harmed in their lives.

If they had not done it then you can not hold God responsible for the disaster that happens to them.

…and what if they DID? Can they blame God then?

Answer #23

Well “Jane of the Jungle” Hopefully you can understand this:

OK God doesnt let Evil things happen to people, evil things JUST happen. Is it the Victims fault? no not at all. God cannot come down here and save everyone who gets hurt. He is not a nurse. And he is not a genie. I think your statement was asss backwards when you said God answers the prayers of rich businessmen. The hobo down the road had perfect oppertunity to become that guy. God does NOT ultimately decide human decisions. WE DO. you cannot blame God for what we have done on/to this Earth. Everything bad directly our fault NOT our creators. God presents us with options and oppertunities and its our choice on what to do with them. Take this example. I have a friend. His life is the definition of sh*t, he is 17 years old, grew up in a meth lab, mom went to Jail 6 years ago and he has been foster home to foster home. He has type 1 diabetes and has gone through many drug problems due to physical dependance. THIS is a situation in which you could do many things. You could quit school, do all drugs and eff up your life or you can do what this kid did, and he got a job, gets straight A’s, and is one heck of a strong individual. And when I ask him how he does it, he says “I just pray” and then I ask him “well if you pray then how does God let this stuff happen to you?” and he answers “He doesnt. Life is what it is. All I pray from his the strength to get through it and the strength to still believe, and he does” What a smart cookie, huh? SO moral of the story is God is not going to give you waht you want because you want it, he’ll give you waht you need. And he cannot “help” you. its not his job to. You have to help yourself. The most he can do is give you the strength. And typically when people believe, thats all the strength they need.

Ahh, here comes the condecending remarks from Assasin and his sidekick Jane! que the music!

Answer #24

The only thing that makes sense is that life is random. Why are some people sooo afraid of that ??? You didn’t know a frikin thing before you were born, and when you die, it will be the same thing. Wake up people. This is ALL THERE IS. Accept reality and do what you can while you are here.

Answer #25

Close minded people don’t listen…

Talking about urself here??? Do yourself a massive favour and do some research!!!

Answer #26

so the thought of going nowhere when you die really doesnt bother you people does it? , im a christian and im proud of it. go on keep hateing , in the end your only hurting yourself. Narrow minded pains in the butt

and stop calling people down too. its okay to prove everyone else wrong but when someone comes close just shoot em down eh?

Answer #27

(love your nickname by the way) Thanx Annv urs very kewl 2 :-)

G-d has also given us free will, he can not directly interfear with our free will once he has given it to us. Tseirpeht -

Free Will:

Theological determinism is the thesis that there is a God who determines all that humans will do, either by knowing their actions in advance, via some form of omniscience or by decreeing their actions in advance. The problem of free will, in this context, is the problem of how our actions can be free, if there is a being who has determined them for us ahead of time.

So Tseirpeht it means god decided before hand where those people must be born and decided they gonna struggle doesnt matter what??? Which person in his right mind would decide before hand, that Ethiopia is gonna be the place for him and he really really wanted to see what it feels like to struggle like that for the rest of his natural life? All Bull* Made by humans for humans who simply cant think for themselves So think again and come back to us!!!

Answer #28

He loves us all equally and uniquely as his children.

Hello world - would surely like to see you being in a situation like that and still “think” god love all equally and is still fair lol

Answer #29

Why would a loving god not make life paradise? He could if he wanted. …blah blah blah Adam and Eve …blah blah… is the nonsense nonanswer so many will regurgitate for this dilema, but that juvenile idea fails the simplest possible analysis.

If it were within my power to create paradise for my children, I would do it. I love my children more than any fictional god supposedly loves us. I am a better father than him.

Answer #30

Out of al those people that pray which ones actually get what they pray for? I dare say most people do not get what they pray for leading me to believe that God is not actually real.
Bet ya right Beth! That exactly what I am getting to, no matter how hard any person pray or how many hours he/she spend on their knees, there is exactly no one to help then but themselves!!!

MAMAK I pray to win the lottery and it hasn’t happened So you would agree with me if/when you do win it, it would be pure LUCK!!! Cause otherwise it is kinda unfair for a heavenly father to give you the money whilst a poor, homeless person without a pc or even food would win it??? You would then also then give it ALL to a needy person?

Then Mamak; So you are telling me: If a Ethiopian women pray to her god, to let her fall pregrant with her 4th kid, whilst she can still afford to provide for him, short after that she looses her job, but she is pregnant. God wont help her, only because its her problem being in Ethiopia and all??? She must struggle and take whateva * is coming to her?

Answer #31

Now taking the case of the individuals who were victims, we do not know their choices. Did they choose to submit their life to the Lord? Had they handed over the security of their life into the caring hands of God? If they had then God would protect them and keep them safe from any harm. If they had not done it then you can not hold God responsible for the disaster that happens to them. God is a Loving God.

Now thats a lotta crap, I didnt hear of 1 or 2 or maybe 3 xtians who had stuff like Annv mentioned happened to THEM, so what da heck, your telling me they had that comming to them??? Why would the very same xtians get cancer, overcome it and yet it comes back again and kill them the next time around, ok that is IF they actually get a 2nd chance? Didnt they pray hard enough or what would you say? Oh yeh and please dont spin the: HIS WAYS IS NOT OUR WAY CRAP, cause thats the delusional excuse, think of something that makes sense this time please Eternal life!!!

Answer #32

It is funny (or perhaps not so funny) that curious, investigative, questioning people like Jane-of-the-jungle (love your nickname by the way) are often called “close minded” by the inflexible, pre-set, dogmatic faithful…

Anyhow, God’s love is not impressive! In fact, it suits a god without willpower, or indeed…, without factual existence.

Answer #33

Was your god loving his creatures uniquely when that East-African mother was gang-raped in front of her children while she was screaming for his intervention?! Did he show love when he was not there when that American college-teacher was shot through the head in front of her students while she was praying for his intervention?! Would you not like to have an understanding of what you can expect from your loving deity the next time when something goes horribly wrong, as it does continuously and all over the world! Contrary to the wild promises in the scriptures (and by many of his followers), God’s record of reliance when it comes to a sudden intervention during the process of repulsive crimes, is not impressive…

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