Why won't the church unify

Eph. 4 says we are to all come into the unity of the faith but it seems like a new division (denomination) starts every week. Why?


Answer #1

KYRA Christians try to unify but are rejected by athiests and what not.*

How in hell do you get to an answer like this??? Trying to blame atheist for churches who cant unify and agree on most of their beliefs?

BTW does church refer to xtian, hindu, budhism or what? Would looove to see them all unify, think world war 4 would be declared within a week after that lol

Answer #2

kyra112, he does that to me too, he loves to argue and debat, gotta just try to stick to the question and ignore the rest, I learned that one quick!

Answer #3


You refer to what is commonly known as ‘Paul’s letter to the Ephesians’ (an unstructured and desperately divided church, by the way).

This letter has been accepted by the (Catholic) church authorities during the last part of the second century as a work by Paul and was thus inserted in to the modern biblical format.

However, the claim of Paul’s authorship can be strongly disputed on the basis of inconsistent vocabulary and style of the original text (use of hapaxlegomena) and was most likely written by an impersonator during the post-apostolic era, using the name ‘Paul’ as a pseudonym.

I also recall that some of the faithful who post entries on this site have the opinion that the catholic religion is hardly a real religion (please spare me the embarrassment of asking me to quote).

Apparently, the source of your doctrine (Paul’s letter), as well as your trust in its authoritative contributors (the Roman Catholic Church) are corrupted.

Could this suggestion bear an element of the answer to the original question: “Why won’t the Church unify…?”

Answer #4

we get you dont believe in God

…you ‘get’ nothing. You have NO idea what I believe…

Christians try to unify but are rejected by athiests and what not.

So… Christians can’t unify because the atheists are… atheist?

Answer #5

Stop being such an instigator captainassasin. we get you dont believe in God, you can seriously just state your opinion and move one now, its getting old.

Anyway Humans are just corrupt… every corner of the world has a differents story and they clash. Christians try to unify but are rejected by athiests and what not. As long as you try and its inyour heart, god will know… lol I think that helped? I don’t know.

Answer #6

LOL :-)

Answer #7


Studying God’s Word (with a capital W) in its entirety, and in its historical context and reference (translations, original texts, etc), is the quickest way to drive a person in to atheism.

Be careful with what you promote. You might get what you ask for…

Answer #8

GOD’S WAY!! Read His word!!!

In other words… you don’t know…

Answer #9

“…GOD’S WAY!! Read His word!!!…”

uuhhh… what was the question again…?!

Answer #10

GOD’S WAY!! Read His word!!!

Answer #11

God’s church…HIS WORD! WE as Christians ARE the church, no physical building…we need to follow the example that was set forth in the New Testimant church that was established in Corenth in the Bible.

30,000+ denominations… which Christians are doing it the RIGHT way?

Answer #12

We are humans - thus imperfect - EPH 4 is certainly the goal we should prayerfully strive for. Lmao Amblessed, so your telling me you wont have a problem with a buddhist, Animist, Hindu or Judaist sitting next to you and praying for their god in your church??? hahaha

Answer #13

“…WE as Christians ARE the church…”

Catholics too?

Answer #14

“Then which church is the RIGHT church?”

God’s church…HIS WORD! WE as Christians ARE the church, no physical building…we need to follow the example that was set forth in the New Testimant church that was established in Corenth in the Bible.

Answer #15

AND a very WRONG explanation!

Then which church is the RIGHT church?

Answer #16

“…maybe the Bible was not written by a god, or even men under the direction of a god. Nah, that’s too simple of an explanation.”

AND a very WRONG explanation!

Answer #17

…maybe the Bible was not written by a god, or even men under the direction of a god. Nah, that’s too simple of an explanation.

Answer #18

that is what God wants as Scripture says, there is ONE church, ONE Lord, ect… BUt as amblessed said, we are humans and unfortunately most dont read the scripture fully and take it for whats its worth and follow what God really wants, most are so caught up in traditions and legalism in the church…

Answer #19

We are humans - thus imperfect - EPH 4 is certainly the goal we should prayerfully strive for.

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