Why was it wrong to dance with him too??

I was at a school dance with my boyfriend last nite. He went off and danced with a whole bunch of other girls (which I dont care that he did) so my guy friend came over and started dancing with me. We weren’t touching or anything just dancing and my boyfriend got really jealous and started dancing with me lot making my friend go away. So then my boyfriend left again so my friend came over to dance. He was about to grind me but he remembered that I was going out with someone so he didnt but we continued to dance until my boyfriend came over and slapped my friend across the face and told him to stop dancing with me. I dont understand why it was sooo wrong for me and my friend to be dancing and it wasnt when my boyfriend was going around to a whole bunch of girls. What should I do? Should I talk to him about it? Anything will help!

Answer #1

true lol srry

Answer #2

Get rid of him. Do it now. The guy is playing head games with you, and there’s absolutely no reason for you to put up with it. I should start by saying that every guy gets jealous. It’s natural for us to feel that way. There’s many things that can cause it, but regardless of what causes it, you don’t want to be with a guy who’s going to turn violent every time he feels it. This guy is going absolutely nowhere in life, trust me. Not to mention, he pulling a complete double-standard on you. Either one of you shoudl be allowed to dance with whoever you want. Imagine what this guy would be like once you start going to bars with your friends?

If you put up with this, even once, you’re telling him that it’s ok to do it. Get rid of him now. There are too many people on this planet for you to have to settle for anyone who’s less than perfect to you.

Hope this helps :)

Answer #3

I appericate the advice paradox. Thank you. I really want to give him one more chance though. Theres another dance this coming fri. and I was thinking that maybe me, my boyfriend and my guyfriend cud possibly work sumthin out like sandwich grind or sumthing cause I wouldnt mind it and I think its a good balance between the 2 of them. I would give the most attention to my boyfriend but I dont want my guyfriend all by himself. do you think its reasonable?? maybe im not thinking straight. Once again Anything will help

Answer #4

If he got jealous over you dancing with another guy, how do you think he’s going to react when he can look over your shoulder at the guy grinding you from behind?

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