Why vegetarianism the way to go when it comes to loosing weight?

It’s been a struggle for the past few years, then when I first learned about vegetarianism. One day, I just woke up to the fattest day of my life! Is vegetarianism the way to go? Does it compromise that we can get all the nutrients needed by our body compared to the reality of the meat industry?

Answer #1

I have to say, I dont agree that humans are not designed to eat meat. Sure, we dont have the sharp canines but there is a simple explantion for this: we can cook our food to make it more palatable. There is anthropological evidence that shows as our food processing skills increased, our teeth and jaw muscles got smaller. We do NOT have herbivore teeth. We still do have canines, just not very large ones. Our teeth are also arranged differently and our palates are different.

As for out GI tract, it is not long enough for us to be designed as herbivores. We have a GI tract somewhere between those seen in carnivores and herbivores as we are OMNIVOROUS. We eat both. We cant get the same amount of nurtients from plants that herbivores can. We are designed to eat a combination of protein (eg meat) and plant foods. I dont see how eating only vegetables will speed up metabolism as this is controlled by a variety of means, including the thyriod. As for fats not having time to be absorbed, there are digestive enzymes specifically designed to break up lipids and yes, they can still be absorbed.

Being vegetarian can be healthy but it doesnt necessarily make you any healthier than if you eat a combination of meat and vegetables. There are essential dietary requirements in meat, like protein and iron and you have to get them from somewhere. You have to eat a hell of a lot of spinach to get enough iron and even then, the bioavalibility is lower so its less beneficial.

I say balance is good. Lean meats and atleast five servings of vegetables. Make sure you get enough soluble and insoluble fibre to keep your digestive system healthy

Answer #2

Humans aren’t actually ‘designed’ to eat meat. We don’t have pointy fangs to rip apart carcasses, we have flat herbivore teeth. Our stomachs and digestive systems are also different to meat eating animals. Meat slows our digestion, allowing our body more time to absorb fats. When we stop eating meat, over a period of time our body will speed up as our organs unclog and our metabolism will become faster. There won’t be as much time for fats to be absorbed, so we don’t gain as much weight as we normally would.

Meat these days is generally terrible quality. You have to spend so much money to get really good quality, fresh, healthy meat. All of the cheaper meats are just fat and off-cuts. They aren’t good for you at all. Also meats like crumbed chicken and battered fish are so unhealthy. They are pretty much just mashed up off-cuts stuck together with lard and fat, and rolled up in batter.

Nutrients are everywhere, but you will find that fresh fruit and vegetables are the most nutritious foods you can eat. Don’t eat canned fruit though, as it is preserved with loads of sugar and you may as well eat a lollypop. But fresh from the fruit and vege shop is great and is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.

I stopped eating meat about 5 years ago. I have never been more healthier, and to be honest I find the concept of meat disgusting. There are so many meals you can have without meat. Pasta and veges, noodles and veges, stir fry, toasted sandwiches, and my favorite- falafel! Fry it, boil it, bake it, cook it… Its great. I also use it instead of hamburger patties (fried in a pan). Its nicer and 10x healthier! Good luck xx

Answer #3

Humans are omnivores which is why we can live almost anywhere. There are humans who eat little else but tubers, nuts and berries as well as humans who survive on seal meat and whale blubber. Being able to exist on almost anything is part of the reason we are so successful as a species. If you do compare our physiology to that of pure herbivores and pure carnivores we are much closer to herbivores. Throughout most of our evolutionary history most of mankind ate mostly plants. I coined the term opportunistic carnivore to describe the human diet. Meat is a very dense form of nutrition and most people throughout the ages had trouble finding enough to eat so getting some meat contributed greatly to their odds of survival. We ate mostly plants but when we could score some meat we were happy to add it to our diet. Our current meat centered diet is not what most mankind ate. A vegetarian diet is closer to our natural diet than the meat centered diet most of us eat. Now that food of all kinds is plentiful dense forms of nutrition like meat, cheese, and dairy can work against us since it makes it easier to overeat.

Protein is not a problem in vegetarian diets. Protein deficiency is unheard of in 1st world countries; it is only a problem where people are near starvation. Nearly any diet that provides sufficient calories also provides enough protein. Legumes are the best source of protein for vegetarians. Most grains have enough protein to be good sources on their own and all fruits and vegetables have some protein (though apples have almost none).

Vegetarians do tend to have lower levels of iron than meat eaters though they usually have enough. Dark leafy vegetables do provide iron and it is well absorbed. Spinach isn’t a superior source of iron; there was a mathematical error in an early analysis that lead people to think it has 10 times as much iron as it actually does; by the time this error was caught spinach already had its reputation as the best source of iron. But I digress…

Becoming a vegetarian doesn’t guaranty a healthy diet. Potato chips and soda are vegetarian after all. Most people who become vegetarian do start eating more whole grains, vegetables, and fruit so for most people it is a step in the right direction. Vegetarianism can help with weight loss simply because it reduces the number of food choices leading most people to eat less. I’ve been a vegetarian for 30 years but I still struggle with weight.

There are nutrients that vegetarians should be concerned with. If you don’t eat seafood and you don’t spend much time in the sun you probably aren’t getting enough vitamin D. People who have been strict vegans for years should get their levels of B12 checked and supplement if necessary. Other than that most nutrients are more plentiful in plants than vegetables.

Answer #4

no, vegetarian is NOT the way to go if you just want to loose weight weight loss is acheived by a combimnation of healthy eating and regular exerscise if you eat healthy food but dont exrecsise you wont see results if you eat crap but exerscise regulary you wont see results either you need to do BOTH to see results simply cutting meat from your diet wont guarentee weight loss your likley to be hungry and be more likley to over-eat other foods you will also need to replace the nutrients lost from not eating meat, this can be done with suppliments if you cant find the correct foods

Answer #5

the only reason you need meat is for your protein. but you can get that thru veggies. beans for instance are very high in protein

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