Why Should I Do This Ifm I Know Im NOt Readddy?

Okay this is kinda long sorry. My boyfriend and I got engaged last weekend. The wedding is gonna be january but he already lived with me. He keeps trying to have sex with me but I dont want to. I Told him no. We had sex one time and I cried because it hurt.it didnt last for 5 mintues and now he gets mad when I say no. I told him im wasnt ready but 2 days I gave up. and I heard him on the phone “she finally put out.” I was so mad. He’s always wanting sex now. We had sex three times yesterday, I feel like crap now.Im still not ready to keep having sex but when he wants it I just let him b/c im tried of him whineing..what do I do?

Answer #1

you shouldnt get married if your not going to have sex. anyway if you ignore my first advice here is my 2nd. he should love you the way you are.

Answer #2

Love is patient and if your finance really loves you, he will wait for you. Dont marry this guy if your relationship is built on lust and not love. love is selflish, lust is selfish, and when you get married you give up the I’s for Us,

Answer #3

If you’re not ready to have sex, you’re sure as hell not ready to get married. A healthy sex life is a big part of any marriage. Wanting to opt out of it completely when you have a boyfriend who wants regular sex is a guaranteed recipe for disaster.

Also, having a boyfriend who says things like ‘she finally put out’ is another nice big red flag that you two are way, WAY too young to get married.

Answer #4

Give him a blow up doll to get married to. If he doesn’t respect you now, he isn’t going to respect you when you are married. DUMP HIM and get yourself another fiance.

Answer #5

Your fiance is an a*sshole, and he doesn’t respect you OR your morals. He probably views women in general as nothing more than sex-holes. You should break off the engagement, end the relationship, raise your standards, temper your moral fiber, and MOVE ON.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice