Why are parents nosy

Why is my mom so in to my bisness today she wont leave me alone

Answer #1

yea I agree at least she’s caring for you… maybe she just wants to be a part of your life more. some parents find it hard to let go and accept that their kids are growing up and are going to leave soon

Answer #2

Because she cares about you and wants to know what’s going on in your life. You should feel fortunate because there are kids out there with parents who don’t give a crap about them.

Answer #3

because she loves you! If she didnt care, she would “leave you alone” ,,, as stephanief987 said, there are many kids who dont have parents who do care…be grateful yours does!

Answer #4

mine our like that I hat eit but I know its just cus they care about you

Answer #5

the sad thing is that you all say she cares but I know for a fact that she dosnt :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Answer #6

Good parents look after your best interests, love you, and CARE - many, many, don’t - be Thankful !!

Answer #7

yea this is how I felt yesterdayy but yea because she cares and she just wants to protect you

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