Why is this happending!?

I been taking my birthcontrol for a month. I accidently skiped one of the sugar pills and I had unprotected sex aftr my period. I took the pill 4 hours late. And the next day I took it 3 hrs late and then I skiped one day the next day I took two. Im on a low dose birthcontrol. I skiped my birthcontrol on feb 14 and 16. I wasnt at home. Today when I was at p.e at school I started bleeding but not a lot. It was only a little bit. I stoped bleeding now. But its so bizzare. My boobs have been hurting and I’ve been having nausea could this be the pills or pregnancy? Im sopposed to get my period in two weeks. Not now!

Answer #1

Then yes you could be pregnant and the pull out method doesn’t give you any protection, so just because he pulled out doesn’t reduce your chances of falling pregnant.

Please go and read the pamphlet on your birth control pill. You need to take it the same time every day.

Also you can take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after having unprotected sex.

Answer #2

yes, you could be pregnant for one, youve only been taking it for a month, and not very properly the pill needs at least a month of continued use to become effective also, if you skip a pill, your not protected and should use other protection as well such as a condom for the following week so of course you could be pregnant if you missed a pill also taking two pills in one day doesnt make up for the day you didnt take one and remember that nothing, including the birth control pill will ever be 100% effective at preventing pregnancy

to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results you should also learn more about the pill your on and how it works

Answer #3

I skipped my sugar pills, for the second pack. Before I had unprotected sex I did miss one of the pills but I took it 12hrs late. I take my pills at different times Also I had unprtected sex the firat day I started but he pulld out.

Answer #4

you should really try to take your birth control pill right and take it every single day on time. if you miss one of the sugar pills, it has no effect whatsoever. they are only there as a reminder pill to keep your mind focused on taking a pill out of the pack. I don’t even take the sugar pills cause they don’t mean anything. but you should really start being responsible and take your pills on time. if not, it could lead to pregnancy and if not that, it will lead to a screwed up period cycle.

Answer #5

If you skipped a sugar pill you would be fine. Sugar pills are placebos, there to give you a break and let you have your period.

However read your pamphlet of your birth control pill. It contains instructions on when you are protected and not.

It also sounds to me like you are a bit confused. You say you are now on the sugar pills? Then you are supposed to get your period, and the bleeding would be your period.

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